Working on behalf of the education, research and innovation community, SWITCH is committed to the digital future of Switzerland.
ID: 179483317
http://www.switch.ch 17-08-2010 12:00:31
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Ihr habt euch schon immer gefragt, was Katja Dörlemann neben dem Podcast eigentlich alles so macht? In der 29. Folge des Podcast gibt sie Insights und wir schwelgen in Erinnerungen wie alles begann... 🎧 bit.ly/3U0rR3S #securityawareness #security

Hacked traffic light systems – pure fiction? Large-scale hacking in IT is nothing new. But have you ever imagined the damage that could be caused by hacked lift control systems, traffic lights or dams? Martin Scheu reports in his new column: swit.ch/gakic

"Ich möchte Leben gestalten und nicht nur ein Produkt", sagt Anne Krueger vom Fraunhofer IAO im neuen Podcast von und mit Marcus Beyer mbeyer.bsky.social (Swisscom ) und Katja Dörlemann (SWITCH ) 🎧: bit.ly/40LiN4l #talkingaboutsecurityawareness #securityawareness

Great news! Our Security Awareness Expert Katja Dörlemann of SWITCH-CERT was unanimously elected as the new president of SISA - Swiss Internet Security Alliance. We fully support SISA's ambitious goal of making Switzerland the safest internet country in the world. #InternetSecurity #SISA #iBarry

Together with swissuniversities, SWITCH cultivates an active community on the topic of procurement. It thrives on the exchange of ideas among its members. The SWITCHprocure working group recently met in Zurich and Lausanne to build bridges between the universities and SWITCH.

SWITCH is proud to have Fabio Greiner participate in the Future Talent Programme 16. At this week's #TNC23 Fabio will talk about the collaboration of internal communications and security awareness and explain why security needs an interdisciplinary approach.

Nur wer weiss, welche Gefahren lauern, kann diesen effektiv entgegentreten. Unsere #Security #Awareness Expertin Katja Dörlemann weiss, was im Mai die Schweizer Bedrohungslandschaft prägte. Sie verrät im Interview, wie man sich davor schützt. swit.ch/rogueads #SocialEngineering