Sidewalk Sidekick (@sw_sidekick) 's Twitter Profile
Sidewalk Sidekick


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ID: 1589324469708939266

link calendar_today06-11-2022 18:31:10

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Sidewalk Sidekick (@sw_sidekick) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our first pop-up session at Roosevelt Coffeehouse Gravity is a wrap! We had a lot of great conversations with pedestrians en route for their morning coffee β˜• Our next pop-up will be Sept 23rd at Roosevelt Coffeehouse E Long St from 10am - 12pm πŸ˜€

Our first pop-up session at Roosevelt Coffeehouse Gravity is a wrap! We had a lot of great conversations with pedestrians en route for their morning coffee β˜• 

Our next pop-up will be Sept 23rd at Roosevelt Coffeehouse E Long St from 10am - 12pm πŸ˜€