Stijn Bogaerts
MD, PhD University Hospitals & KU Leuven / Physical, rehabilitation & sports medicine / Tendon nerd / Clinician - Researcher balance artist
ID: 18901429
https://faber.kuleuven.be/nl/smac 12-01-2009 14:15:54
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Last data of my PhD coming out soon, thanks to Léonie Verbeke for the final touches 🙌 #tendonmechanics

Our paper on regional & interindividual variation in muscle fibre lengths in human medial & lateral gastrocnemius muscles is now available in Journal of Anatomy. DOI: doi.org/10.1111/joa.13… A great team effort by an all Aussienized cast francois hug Taylor Dick Bart Bolsterlee Nicole Yvette Kelp

#KULeuven introduceert een nieuw #opendata platform voor het archiveren en publiceren van onderzoeksgegevens, RDR (Research Data Repository). Omdat Open Wetenschap essentieel is in onze kenniseconomie. KU Leuven Research bit.ly/3tITbIB

DREAM trial: In this pragmatic #RCT in active young adults with meniscal tears, early meniscal surgery was not superior to a strategy of supervised exercise therapy and education with the option of later surgery. Søren T. Skou #OrthoTwitter #SurgTwitter eviden.cc/3fFOHdI

UPCOMING interactive course on advanced #clinical reasoning with focus on lower #limb cases 🦵 (in Dutch) #lifelonglearning 📌 Indoor Atletiek Hal @ FaBeR 🗓️ Friday 10 June 9am-5pm 📣 Stijn Bogaerts, Thalia Kindt ➡️ bit.ly/34X1Yw6

Meet the REACT Team🙌 As of today, we will implement a novel multidisciplinary rehabilitation pathway for patients with lumbar fusion surgery UZ Leuven 🔎Curious about our new research? uzleuven.be/REACT Lotte Janssens Wim Dankaerts REVAL Research KU Leuven PhysioTher

Noteer alvast 27 april '23 KU Leuven PhysioTher 💡Prof. Bart Depreitere deelt must-knows vanuit de chirurgie 💡Ikzelf geef praktische handvaten voor revalidatie van lumbale fusies 📚Het boek 'Spinal Surgery for physiotherapists' Uitgeverij Lannoo krijg je mee naar huis! faber.kuleuven.be/nl/lll/aanbod/…