Stefan Karlsson
Writer & reader of #kidlit, poems for kids, picture books, & #versenovels┃ #12x12PB ┃ Poems in @TheDirigible @LTPmag @PaddlerPress @tygertygermag @TheToyPress
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http://www.youtube.com/@StefanKidsPoetry 26-06-2023 19:00:22
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Some time ago Poetry for Kids by Carl Burkitt introduced me to the zany-fun world of John Hegley, and now I often find myself thinking of this video from Bradford Literature Festival, full of Hegley’s poems, songs, & crafts! #poetryforkids #childrenspoetry youtu.be/Rl1efoOEDzg?fe…

A #poem that was in the final issue of The Caterpillar 🐛, resurrected for #InternationalCatDay. Does anyone call their pet by its original name?? (I occasionally confuse the current cat with the kids!) #WritingCommunity #poetry #childrenspoetry #kidlit #cats #pets

Poetry for Kids by Carl Burkitt You won’t believe at the zoo I heard a kangaroo Say twit-twoo. You won’t believe at the zoo I heard a cockatoo Say peek-a-boo. You won’t believe at the zoo I heard a caribou Say whoop-de-doo. I had no clue what I should do So I made a hullabaloo With my awoo awoo awoo!

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has liked/shared/responded to my little #kidlit YouTube videos! Esp Moran Press Josie De Falco 🌿 Jennifer Thomas Karyn Curtis🇨🇦🐎 Eric Herrington Kay Medway. Your encouragement means so much to me! 💜💚

Very much enjoyed this collection of #childrenspoetry by Valerie Bloom with lovely illustrations by Ken Wilson-Max. The subjects range from heartwarming to whimsical and the book features a wide range of poetic forms. So much inventiveness, so much heart! 💜🌋 #kidlit #amreading

Highly recommend picking up a copy of this #poetry chapbook by Brian U. Garrison from Space Cowboy Books! These micropoems explore expansive worlds with great wit & insight, bringing distant exoplanets within reach of our imagination. A book for astronomy & poetry lovers alike!

"Then a new girl joined my class who helps me with my sums who's helped me find my pride who's proud of her two Mums" -from "The Only One in Class" by Mark Bird (Mark Bird aka DreamBeastPoems 📕) In Little Thoughts Press Issue 8: Pride, available now: littlethoughtspress.com/issues

Meet our #poemsforchildren: ‘Unsung’ by Rebecca Loveday is a stirring hymn to pioneering palaeontologist Mary Anning, full of fascinating facts and inspirational (and inspired!) rhymes: tygertyger.net/unsung-by-rebe… #kidlit #readingforpleasure #primaryschool #ks2 #dinosaurs #poem