STATrojansFootball (@statrojansfb) 's Twitter Profile


St Thomas Aquinas Football. #RecruitSTA

Head Coach: Tarig Holman

ID: 1600195166098292739

link calendar_today06-12-2022 18:27:28

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396 Following

STATrojansFootball (@statrojansfb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CONGRATS TO JAYDEN YOUNG ON WINNING Central Jersey Sports Radio PLAYER OF THE YEAR!!! Our 4 year starter at QB caps off a spectacular career at STA with this well deserved honor after accounting for 27 touchdowns his senior season. #STALegend #BEGREAT #BEABOUTIT #ATTITUDEANDEFFORT

CONGRATS TO JAYDEN YOUNG ON WINNING <a href="/CJSportsRadio/">Central Jersey Sports Radio</a> PLAYER OF THE YEAR!!! Our 4 year starter at QB caps off a spectacular career at STA with this well deserved honor after accounting for 27 touchdowns his senior season. #STALegend #BEGREAT #BEABOUTIT #ATTITUDEANDEFFORT