Steve ✨ (@sonikks1) 's Twitter Profile
Steve ✨


Full Odds Shiny Hunter

Working on a Gen 3 Shiny Living Dex!

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ID: 939575173136703489

calendar_today09-12-2017 19:19:12

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Steve ✨ (@sonikks1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shiny Spinarak after 3,724 encounters! #1 for Safari Week Caught it so completes the line for me in Gen 3. Got PokeRus today, nice. (111/386 - Gen 3 Shiny Living Dex)

Shiny Spinarak after 3,724 encounters! #1 for Safari Week

Caught it so completes the line for me in Gen 3. Got PokeRus today, nice. 

(111/386 - Gen 3 Shiny Living Dex)