Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profileg
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter


Social Justice Movement is an organized Movement that champions Community organizing, Education and Response Interventions for the Liberation of our Nation.


calendar_today26-04-2021 06:43:38

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Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Led by our National Convener Happy Olal, comrades across the movement eulogised Jane Adera as a dedicated HRD who sacrificed her life to the fight against GBV, till her demise, Jane served as Convener Kiboswa Social Justice Centre. May her soul Rest in eternal peace.

Led by our National Convener @happyolal, comrades across the movement eulogised Jane Adera as a dedicated HRD who sacrificed her life to the fight against GBV, till her demise, Jane served as Convener @KiboswaSJC. May her soul Rest in eternal peace.
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your life is a reminiscence of a mother, a counsellor and a teacher. Your death leaves such a big void not only to your family but to the whole Social Justice Centres Working Group fraternity. We shall deeply miss you Comrade Jane Adera, Convener Kiboswa Social Justice Centre.

Fare thee well.

Your life is a reminiscence of a mother, a counsellor and a teacher. Your death leaves such a big void not only to your family but to the whole @UhaiWetu fraternity. We shall deeply miss you Comrade Jane Adera, Convener @KiboswaSJC. Fare thee well.
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Mid-day today at Agha Khan hospital as comrades joined the family of Jane. The body currently on transit to her rural home in migori county for burial tomorrow.

Jane served as convener Kiboswa Social Justice Centre and actively involved in the fight against GBV.

Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today Wawidhi Community Social Justice Center held a community dialogue on security The discussion brought together the CHPs, Village elders, bodaboda groups, HRDs and other community members to deliberate on how they can end escalating crime where 12 people harmed. HAKI Africa

Today @WawidhiC held a community dialogue on security #HakiMtaani The discussion brought together the CHPs, Village elders, bodaboda groups, HRDs and other community members to deliberate on how they can end escalating crime where 12 people harmed. @HakiAfrica
Tambua Social Justice Centre(@TambuaSJC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we educated over 100 teenagers on forms of Sexual Gender Based Violence and available referral pathways incase they fall victims. We also supported them with stationery as part of our youth empowerment.

HAKI Africa

Today we educated over 100 teenagers on forms of Sexual Gender Based Violence and available referral pathways incase they fall victims. We also supported them with stationery as part of our youth empowerment. #HakiMtaani #StopGBV @HakiAfrica
Wuoth Ogik Social Justice Center(@WuothOgikSJC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Safaricom foundation Ndoto zetu made our community dream come true by supporting our organic school pupils of Migori primary with a water tank that is geared to promote good menstrual Health hygiene amongst girls with disabilities within the school
Safaricom Foundation
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter

Safaricom foundation Ndoto zetu made our community dream come true by supporting our organic school pupils of Migori primary with a water tank that is geared to promote good menstrual Health hygiene amongst girls with disabilities within the school @SafaricomFDN @social_wg
Uriri Social Justice Center(@UririSJC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Trans Nzoia County Civil Society Reference Group today held a Consultative Forum on PBO Act 2013. PBO Act provides a Framework for engagement with County Governments.
We are ready to host the Migori county forum.

Uriri Social Justice Center(@UririSJC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

During our community engagement today we were honored to have Japheth Ogola from the HAKI Africa
Among our support team was Area chief, Community Health person, Paralegals, Village elders, Pwd champion, our law student volunteer and coordinator Odiero Japicha .

During our #HakiMtaani community engagement today we were honored to have @japhol2010 from the @HakiAfrica Among our support team was Area chief, Community Health person, Paralegals, Village elders, Pwd champion, our law student volunteer and coordinator @Omollo_Mlami .
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's with profound sorrow that we announce the passing on of conrad3 Jane Adera. Until her demise, comrade Jane served as the Convener of Kiboswa Social Justice Centre and an ardent advocate for women's rights and a campaigner against GBV. The Chapter and the movement have lost! May her soul R.I.P

It's with profound sorrow that we announce the passing on of conrad3 Jane Adera. Until her demise, comrade Jane served as the Convener of @KiboswaSJC and an ardent advocate for women's rights and a campaigner against GBV. The Chapter and the movement have lost! May her soul R.I.P
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Embodying the spirit of social justice, comrades across the chapter came out in solidarity to offer humanitarian support to the affected after bursting of R. Nyando; the floods left over 600 households displaced.
Kenya Red Cross
HAKI Africa

Embodying the spirit of social justice, comrades across the chapter came out in solidarity to offer humanitarian support to the affected after bursting of R. Nyando; the floods left over 600 households displaced. @KenyaRedCross @HakiAfrica
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

During a crisis meeting today in Nyando to find possible immediate interventions to support affected comrades. Most in dare need of food, bedding materials, medication e.t.c. Women and girls report cases of GBV abuse in evacuation centres that need urgent address.
Disaster Operations

During a crisis meeting today in Nyando to find possible immediate interventions to support affected comrades. Most in dare need of food, bedding materials, medication e.t.c. Women and girls report cases of GBV abuse in evacuation centres that need urgent address. @NDOCKenya
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Current flooding situation in Nyando Sub-county Kisumu County as R. Nyando breaks it's banks rendering Kisumu-Awasi bridge impassable as more than 600 households displaced.

The Chapter leadership to hold crisis meeting to seek ways to support affected comrades.
HAKI Africa

Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

They gave their lives towards fighting for the Rights of others. Unfortunately their lives was cut short after raging floods attacked their houses in Mathare. It is time we support these fallen HRDs and accord them a befitting send off. Contribution via 0795672612 Diana Mwaniki

They gave their lives towards fighting for the Rights of others. Unfortunately their lives was cut short after raging floods attacked their houses in Mathare. It is time we support these fallen HRDs and accord them a befitting send off. Contribution via 0795672612 Diana Mwaniki
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We empathize with all Kenyans affected by recent floods mostly occasioned by heavy rainfall; the latest being bursting of dam Old Kijabe. The results is loss of lives, destruction of properties/infrastructure and biodiversity. This should be a wake up call to GoK.

We empathize with all Kenyans affected by recent floods mostly occasioned by heavy rainfall; the latest being bursting of dam Old Kijabe. The results is loss of lives, destruction of properties/infrastructure and biodiversity. This should be a wake up call to GoK.
Social Justice Centres Working Group(@UhaiWetu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With deep sorrow and a profound sense of loss, we share the passing of Benna Buluma, affectionately known as Mama Victor. As the leader of the Mothers of Victims and Survivors Network, she tirelessly advocated for police accountability amidst the ongoing floods

With deep sorrow and a profound sense of loss, we share the passing of Benna Buluma, affectionately known as Mama Victor. As the leader of the Mothers of Victims and Survivors Network, she tirelessly advocated for police accountability amidst the ongoing floods
Social Justice Centers WG- Western Chapter(@social_wg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's with great sadness we announce the death of Benna Buluma aka Mama Victor after she and her family were trapped in their house by flood water in Mathare. As a leader of Mothers of Victims and survivors network, she courageously advocated for police accountability. May she RIP

It's with great sadness we announce the death of Benna Buluma aka Mama Victor after she and her family were trapped in their house by flood water in Mathare. As a leader of Mothers of Victims and survivors network, she courageously advocated for police accountability. May she RIP