Saint Louis University Radiology
Official Twitter of Saint Louis University Radiology Residency Program - #RadRes - #FutureRadRes
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https://www.slu.edu/medicine/radiology/diagnostic-radiology-residency/index.php 24-09-2020 17:33:32
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Today’s the day - #MatchDay2023 Congratulations to all participating in #MatchDay! We cannot wait to see who will be joining us at SLU Hospital 💙 #RadRes #FutureRadRes #SLU #STL

A big shout out to those joining us at SLU Hospital! #RadRes #SLU #STL #MatchDay #MatchDay2023

Happy #NationalDoctorsDay to all of those at SLU Hospital 💙 We’re blessed to be learning from and with you all each day! #STL #SLU #RadRes

Good luck to all the residents starting their new programs today! & welcome to all of those joining us at SLU Hospital — we are so happy to have you here 💙 #SLU #RadRes #STL

Who has 2 thumbs & a 100% pass rate on their boards!? This group of #RadRes from Saint Louis University Radiology! A HUGE shout-out to them for all the time & effort they spent preparing - it’s safe to say it paid off for you all 💙

#MedStudents interested in Radiology: Check out and apply for the 2024 Radiology Medical Student American College of Radiology Scholarship to attend the ACR 2024 Annual Meeting — Apply by 10/31/2023: acr.org/Member-Resourc… #InsideTheMatch #RadsTwitter

It’s almost that time! Check out these tips for interview season from UVA School of Medicine 🩻 #RadRes #FutureRadRes

Recently, our staff & residents were able to get together for the annual holiday party on Saint Louis University’s campus. Thanks to all who joined us! Photographed are PGY 5 residents Dr. Harrison Nguyen (with wife Hanah), Dr. Adam Held (with girlfriend Jordan), and Dr. Lin Gu.

And we cannot wait for Friday to see who will be joining us at SLU Hospital 💙 #RadRes #FutureRadRes #STL

Congratulations to all on #MatchDay and especially the #RadRes individuals who will be joining us at SLU Hospital! We look forward to you all joining the team 💙