Once social structure collapsed, the Praetorian Guard chose the emperor. If Reid Hoffman and Mark Cuban have their way, the country will revert to chaos. Private security details will decide who remains a billionaire. I wonder who all the security guys vote for and like.
insane that the times does not have a single story above the fold about the destruction that occurred in western north carolina this week.
some of the most beautiful land, culture, and communities this country has were wiped off the map this week and no one seems to care
Dante named "betrayers to their benefactors" as the worst of all sinners and placed them in the center of Hell.
A faithless son who betrays his father is among the worst of these betrayers.
Whether or not a conservative supports anti-price gouging laws is basically the Bat and Ball Problem of politics.
If you support anti-price gouging laws, that means you're probably a GOOD PERSON, but you really aren't fit to be in a position of authority.
There is currently ONE UH-60 Black Hawk flying over all of North Carolina at the moment.
George W. Bush had 350+ DoD Helicopters doing relief missions in New Orleans after Katrina.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have ONE Black Hawk for a whole state.
ILA longshoreman actually receive appropriate salaries and it's everyone else who is underpaid.
If wages had kept up with housing and education inflation, such earnings would be COMMON.
Port jobs couldn't be sucked off by NAFTA or China and the ILA stopped H-1B-style predation.
our information environment that is loaded with unwholesome filth of unimaginable scale and novelty thanks to the first amendment has trained our intellectual immune systems to invincibility
china has its wet markets of the flesh but we have wet markets of the spirit