Paul Bevan (@sinobevan) 's Twitter Profile
Paul Bevan


Research Associate, SOAS
China, 1600-2000, literature, art, and music
Sinologist, curator, literary translator (classical & modern)

ID: 1139921432576700416

calendar_today15-06-2019 15:43:43

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169 Following

Paul Bevan (@sinobevan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Card 11 day 11 A woman sketching (c.1915). Cigarette card and periodical. Together with a later poster that also appears in my Arts of Asia article. Sincere thanks to MOFBA β€’ Advertising History in China for supplying this image.

Card 11 day 11
A woman sketching (c.1915). Cigarette card and periodical. Together with a later poster that also appears in my Arts of Asia article. Sincere thanks to <a href="/MOFBACN/">MOFBA β€’ Advertising History in China</a>  for supplying this image.