Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH
Public health/policy & practice researcher. Committed to equitable, antiracist solutions to gun violence. Lover of sunsets & hummingbirds. Opinions are my own.
ID: 1314611762
29-03-2013 17:41:46
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Our new study led by Julie Ward is the first to provide national estimates of non fatal injuries caused by police shootings JHU School of Education Javon Dr. Rashawn Ray ICQCM Bloomberg Distinguished Professors JHU Center for Safe and Healthy Schools Christopher Morphew Keon Gilbert Annette Anderson, Ph.D.

So…this juvenile justice reform bill that lawmakers passed & awaits Governor Wes Moore signature (or veto)…does the data support it? Not so fast. As Heather Warnken & I wrote in The Baltimore Sun — baltimoresun.com/2024/04/09/gov…

What Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz said! We’re hiring a Research Data Analyst!👇🏾

Last year, UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program attended Student Voices Impact Sac where 100+ teens shared perspectives + experiences on health + safety issues with influential listeners. Here are 8 key takeaways from the event #NYVPW

Shout out to Paris Dye Daniel Hahn Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH Angela Bayer Julia Lund and Hilary Gonzales for contributing to this work, the influential listeners who attended the event + the young people who shared their wisdom with us. Please share! Sacramento County Sacramento County Public Health City of Sacramento

VPRP's Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH will interview Jonathan M. Metzl about his new book, "What We’ve Become: Living and Dying in a Country of Arms." Join in tomorrow at 12pm PST for this special seminar from UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research. ucdavishealth.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

Some news! Our Research Society for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms and NCGVR (Gun Research Collaborative) are so pleased to announce the first annual Greenwald Family Award for Firearm Violence and Injury Prevention Research Excellence: firearmresearchsociety.org/greenwald-fami… (1/n)

VPRP's Drs. Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH and Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz will be supporting UC Davis Health Wraparound Program in their collaboration with Sacramento's first trauma recovery center! health.ucdavis.edu/welcome/news/h…

Are you interested in learning more about political violence in relation to the 2024 elections? If so, we invite you to hear what the experts have to say! Join VPRP's Dr. Garen Wintemute in conversation with Rachel Kleinfeld of Carnegie Endowment on 6/5: joycefdn-org.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

ICYMI: Check out this in-depth Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) case study "Supporting the Frontline Through Community Healing: Advancing Science on Violence Intervention Outreach and Trauma Exposure" from VPRP's Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH and Kathryn Bocanegra of University of Illinois Chicago. lisc.org/media/filer_pu…

Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH discusses the historical underinvestment in communities of color & its correlation with high rates of gun violence. Her insights are part of HFG’s #AttheCrossroads series on violent crime led by @gregberman50. hfg.org/conversations/… #GunViolenceAwareness

Congrats to the Black & Brown Collective for Community Solutions to Gun Violence on your recent formal launch in Washington, DC! We’ve proudly long-supported their work and profiled the group & co-founder Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH in March. Read it below! joycefdn.org/our-grantees/c…