BunSgoilSGG (@sggbun) 's Twitter Profile


Seo duilleag Twitter Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu far am faighear a-mach mu na tha a’ dol san sgoil againn. ¦ Welcome to SGG's Primary school account.

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linkhttps://www.twitter.com/sggbun calendar_today25-10-2018 11:19:53

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BunSgoilSGG (@sggbun) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Air bhioran airson fàilte a chuir air sgoilearan agus teaghlaichean Clas 1 a-maireach. Chì sinn sibh aig 10:00m. So excited to welcome our P1 children and families tomorrow, see you at 10:00am