Seo duilleag Twitter Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu far am faighear a-mach mu na tha a’ dol san sgoil againn. ¦ Welcome to SGG's Primary school account.
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https://www.twitter.com/sggbun 25-10-2018 11:19:53
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Fantastic achievement for GME leadership in Glasgow. Mrs R and Mrs MacIsaac awarded certificates for achieving the Thinking about Senior Leadership programme and Mrs C and Mrs U (Govan Gaelic PS) for Thinking about Middle Leadership 👏⭐️ Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Bhaile a’ Ghobhainn Michelle Parker @MrsPDHfinallyHT

Our staff enjoyed a Talk for Writing training session yesterday, lots of great ideas and strategies for GME! Mìle taing Yvonne Daubney chòrd e rinn gu mòr 📝📚

Delighted to welcome 112 BEd 4 students with Dr. Suzie Dick QueenMargaretUni who wanted to become #gaidhlig #gaelic allies and find out about #GME Taing Feargal Dalton PNST DK MacPhee for kicking off the session and to our BunSgoilSGG capitans and our senior prefects #thigasteach #cmonin

Tapadh leibh uile! 🍰☕️ A huge thank you to all who donated, who brought in cakes and who came along today to our Madainn Chofaidh for Macmillan Cancer Support 💚🤍 Dh’obraich na Captains agus Iar Chaptains glè chruaidh - tha iad feumach air cèic no dhà a-nis!

Bhuannaich Melody bonn umha air a' chlàrsaich madainn an-diugh Well done to Melody for bronze in beginners Harp this morning! BunSgoilSGG Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ¦ Royal National Mòd

Taing mhòr a h-uile duine! 💚🤍 Thog sinn £1270.55 airson Macmillan Cancer Support! // Thank you so much everybody! 💚🤍 we raised £1270.55 for MacMillan Cancer Research - a fantastic team effort from BSGG for our coffee morning, ‘s math a rinn sibh! ☕️

Taing mhòr PictureThisPaisley airson na Story Spoons a fhuair an sgoil-àraich - nach eil iad àlainn? 🎨 // beautiful story spoons for our sgoil-àraich from Picture This Paisley! 📚 thank you!

Glasgow City Council are recruiting for Medium Teachers for August 2024. There are full-time/part-time posts as well as permanent and temporary post available across the 4 Gaelic schools siuthadaibh, gabhaibh an cothrom. Obraichean Gàidhlig myjobscotland.gov.uk/councils/glasg…

🎲 Tha e a’ còrdadh ri P5b a bhith an sàs ann am Pròiseact Geamannan Matamataigs Clas 5. Glasgow Counts Glasgow's Improvement Challenge Douglas Hutchison