Chrissie P. (@kuestengirly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Prof. Karl Lauterbach Und diese Worte, "Ich habe Null Verständnis für den Hass..." hätte ich mir auch von Ihnen gewünscht, im Zusammenhang mit #Frauenticket, #DankeJanBöhmermann. "Null Verständnis für den Hass, der #MECFS und #LongCovid Betroffenen entgegenschlägt." Kam aber nicht. Erschreckend.

Markus (@markusxx79) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Martin Rücker Susana Santina Prof. Karl Lauterbach RiffReporter Wer vielleicht etwas zur Erforschung der Erkrankung spenden möchte: Die gemeinnützige Lost Voices Stiftung setzt sich dafür ein. Weitere Infos im Link unten. #MECFS #LongCovid…

Sam (@blacklabrador10) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So much respect for you, Anne Marie, raising #LongCovid w ALASTAIR CAMPBELL & Rory Stewart on The Rest Is Politics earlier & now w James O'Brien on LBC - #PublicHealth messaging worthy of a PH Minister, Andrew Gwynne MP I agree w James O'Brien too, not addressing #Covid is economic sabotage.

David Bahry (@davidbahry) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Alex Crits-Christoph Cell This is just the latest in a long line of papers, coming from the same coauthor network, designed to push over-confidence in the covid market-origin theory (and bury the covid research accident-origin theory).…

Long Covid is Real (@brailemom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Steve the Book Guy Marilyn Jackson Caregivers need support, too. I've had to force myself to step back and allow a little meltdown or complete disassociation while doing something mindless, because it can just be too much.

Divest Boycott Demilitarize Solidarity PeoplesCUNY (@schenhayes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

cassie No one should have to choose between their health and a partner who does not support prioritizing their partner's health needs. We are at the highest USA COVID infection rate in 5 years for September. He would rather you get long COVID and/or die? You have a choice here, too.