PABS 👑 (@combatpabs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Haggis_UK 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 I remember when I went to school we had breakfast clubs they were lit. The days before Jamie Oliver came about, we had bowls of coco pops, toast, brownies, chocolate flake cakes, fruits, porridge and everything nice. I actually can’t believe people had that taken away from them.

🌊💙 Viking Resistance HQ 💙🌊 (@vikingfbr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Watch: Jamie Oliver calls for more support for dyslexic children - The TV chef and campaigner met with the education secretary to ask for government action. via BBC

Watch: Jamie Oliver calls for more support for dyslexic children - The TV chef and campaigner met with the education secretary to ask for government action.
 via <a href="/BBC/">BBC</a>
School News (@schoolsontap) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jamie Oliver urges politicians to step up to the plate on free school meals | The Standard…