Squirrelknut Boudica’s Ghost 🎗️ Karina Vinnikova Eastern Europe is bread, preserved meats, cheeses, dumplings, etc. It's not the shit your dig out of the Jamie Oliver cook book.

Join me from 2pm on The Afternoon Show , you’ll hear from Jamie Oliver about how he has not let dyslexia stop his Celebrity dreams ! BBC Coventry & Warwickshire BBC Birmingham & Black Country

Gornal Athletic Football Club Welcome on board Raph 💛💚🦚 we finally got there in the end 👌🏻

Haggis_UK 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 I remember when I went to school we had breakfast clubs they were lit. The days before Jamie Oliver came about, we had bowls of coco pops, toast, brownies, chocolate flake cakes, fruits, porridge and everything nice. I actually can’t believe people had that taken away from them.