Kalliroi Sdougkou
PhD student in environmental science, studying the human exposome @Stockholm_Uni @SciLifeLab
ID: 1138886817137254400
12-06-2019 19:12:31
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154 Following
Phospholipid Removal for Enhanced Chemical Exposomics in Human Plasma | Environmental Science & Technology great work from Stefano Papazian @[email protected] Jon Martin and others #exposome pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…
New work by Kalliroi Sdougkou and our group! Removing #plasma #phospholipids allowed to increase the intensities of non-phosholipid features up to 58 times and the detection of up to 109% (!) more non-phosholipid features 1/3 Jon Martin Stefano Papazian @[email protected] Hongyu Xie & Ingvar A. Bergdahl
We are very #HA-P (happy) to see that our #HA-P method is now published on Environmental Science & Technology Journals for sensitive and quantitative #Chemical #Exposomics by #GC- #HRMS. pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…