ID: 159272913
24-06-2010 23:10:31
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Increased OR time in #BariatricSurgery is associated w increased complications Surgical Endoscopy 🔺Association does NOT mean causation 🔺There is no magic time number where we see the significant increase 🔺 This is not meant to have surgeons rush in the OR link.springer.com/content/pdf/10…

What an honor to be part of this family and elite group of SAGES Board Members and Chairs of SAGES Committees. Surrounded by friends, mentors and leaders in every surgical field… SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! #SAGES2023 #SAGESFundation American College of Surgeons American Board of Surgery LatinoSurgSociety Emory Surgery

📣 New article IN PRESS on SOARD Extended Postoperative Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis after Bariatric Surgery: A Comparison of Existing Risk Stratification Tools and 5-Year MBSAQIP Analysis Elizabeth Hechenbleikner, MD Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWM, LDN Federico Serrot Emory Surgery #baritwitter #SOARD23

Emory Surgery Fellowship Council American Association of Endocrine Surgeons graduation ☝🏻Incredible Top 1% clinical surgeons. 👶🏼All 3 moms with small people 🏆Fellows Choice Teaching Award: Maggie Diller 🙏🏼Antoinette Gilbert🙏🏼 ASMBS Kaiser Permanente GA Chapter, ASMBS SESC & The American Surgeon Elizabeth Hechenbleikner, MD @MobolaOyefule

#emoryendosurgery turns out a couple incredible surgeons to their communities today! Very proud of them! Edward Lin Ankit Patel Federico Serrot Eric Knauer I don’t know if they have twitter handles but I took a picture instead!

We were graced with a fantastic visitor at Emory yesterday! Thanks to Dr. Ducoin for hanging out with us for some cases, always great to see him! We should all do this more often! #emoryendosurgeryunit SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! #waitingforfeedback

We've extended the 2024 SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! Shark Tank application deadline! We've simplified the application process & encourage anyone with a groundbreaking #GI business model to apply by 12/22! 🔗Apply now: sages2024.org/shark-tank-202… #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #HealthTech

Dr. Knauer teaching LCBDE to a packed room! SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! Edward Lin Eric Knauer Emory Surgery

Congrats Danny Mou, MD MPH & our Emory Bariatrics team on a 1st place abstract finish!! PROMs are helping us understand the patient experience and voice following bariatric surgery Emory Surgery Edward Lin Ankit Patel Chelsea Yost Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWM, LDN Scott