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ID: 1493727828742795267

calendar_today15-02-2022 23:24:34

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996 Following

Suzan Hagos (@hagossuzan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

According to the Tigray Bureau of Agriculture & Natural Resources, these include the destruction of 237 seedling nurseries & the rendering of many more inoperable in order to hamper landscape regeneration. #TigrayGenocide #Justice4Tigray FAO Climate Change & Biodiversity HS ethiopia-insight.com/2023/02/22/war…

Suzan Hagos (@hagossuzan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In order to work towards stability in 🇪🇹, global leaders must enforce a swift and internationally monitored withdrawal of 🇪🇷 n forces from all parts of Tigray & JUSTICE. #Justice4Tigray #TigrayGenocide #EritreaOutOfTigray President Biden Permanent Mission of Kenya to the UN 🇰🇪 🇺🇳 EU Council Int'l Criminal Court Amnesty International.

In order to work towards stability in 🇪🇹, global leaders must enforce a swift and internationally monitored withdrawal of 🇪🇷 n forces from all parts of Tigray &amp; JUSTICE. #Justice4Tigray #TigrayGenocide #EritreaOutOfTigray <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/KenyaMissionUN/">Permanent Mission of Kenya to the UN 🇰🇪 🇺🇳</a> <a href="/EUCouncil/">EU Council</a> <a href="/IntlCrimCourt/">Int'l Criminal Court</a> <a href="/amnesty/">Amnesty International</a>.
SIMRET Haddis (@haddis2015) 's Twitter Profile Photo

They deliberately starved a population. Summary executions & mass rape in Tigray are off the charts. Looting & destruction of cultural heritage are widespread #Justice4Tigray #TigrayGenocide House Republicans House Democrats Senate DemocratsEuropean Parliament @hadd washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/dont-d…

Mahi Gal 70 Enderta🔴⚪️ (@natsnettigray1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

According UN OCHA Ethiopia In #Tigrayan,more than 2.3 million children (1.8 million girls) are out of school due to the closure of 2,270 schools across Tigray. 2.3 million children,60 per cent would be without education for the third year. UNICEF United Nations EU Council #TigrayGenocide United Nations

According <a href="/OCHA_Ethiopia/">UN OCHA Ethiopia</a> In #Tigrayan,more than 2.3 million children (1.8 million girls) are out of school due to the closure of 2,270 schools across Tigray. 2.3 million children,60 per cent would be without education for the third year. <a href="/UNICEF/">UNICEF</a> <a href="/UN/">United Nations</a> <a href="/EUCouncil/">EU Council</a> #TigrayGenocide <a href="/UN/">United Nations</a>
betty vegas🌸 (@bettyvegas3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Millions of children in #Tigray are denied education and all medical services for more than 845+days. This impacts the future of the children (if they survive). #TigrayGenocide #EritreaOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray Mike Hammer President Biden Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Children's Rights Alliance UN Women World Health Organization (WHO) BV

Millions of children in #Tigray are denied education and all medical services for more than 845+days. This impacts the future of the children (if they survive). #TigrayGenocide #EritreaOutOfTigray #Justice4Tigray <a href="/MikeHammerUSA/">Mike Hammer</a> <a href="/POTUS/">President Biden</a> <a href="/USAmbUN/">Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield</a> <a href="/ChildRightsIRL/">Children's Rights Alliance</a> <a href="/UN_Women/">UN Women</a> <a href="/WHO/">World Health Organization (WHO)</a> BV
Michel Cillard (@michelcillard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good news, after 3 years of closure & destruction. A priority issue that calls for a full mobilization of national & international authorities, as necessary, with a dedicated budget to education, from school to university. #Tigray Education Cannot Wait UNICEF thereporterethiopia.com/33579/

ፀረ ባንዳ 🎯🔝 (@great_tgray) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I call again for African Union observers as enshrined in Pretoria #CoHA to monitor the peace process and possible violations or destabilising activities undertaken by the parties and alien forces in #Tigray #Ethiopia, particularly the reported presence of #Eritrea troops.