Saahir Shafi, PhD
Assistant Professor @CalState | Penn State Alumna | Health Policy | Crisis Response | #firstgen | Views my own
ID: 1394713575642570752
18-05-2021 17:56:52
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410 Following

Heath Brown
CUNY John Jay & Grad Center; author of Roadblocked: Joe Biden’s Rocky Transition to the Presidency
Allegra H. Fullerton
PhDing (ABD) @CUDenverSPA @policydemocracy. Emotions, gender, marginalization & policy processes. Digital Associate Editor @policy_politics. she/her 🏜 🌉🏔
EJ Fagan
Political scientist, @thisisuic. Author of The Thinkers: The Rise of Partisan Think Tanks and the Polarization of American Politics. Also Yankees baseball.
Geoboo Song | 송거부
UARK PLSC/PUBP/STAN Associate Professor | UARK PLSC VC & DGS | PSJ EIC (Note: Tweets are my own)
Open minded,like to opiniate,wanna make new friends
Michael D. Jones
Father; Husband; D&D Fanatic; Professor: My views are my own.
Maysoon Abulkhair

Dr. Annemieke van den Dool
I tweet about China, environment, health, public policy. I teach & research policy analysis, policy processes, and crisis management @DukeKunshan.
Herschel F. Thomas
Associate Professor of Political Science at @WestVirginiaU. Studying policy processes, agenda-setting, interest groups, lobbying.
Dr. Clare Brock
Assistant Prof in poli sci. American Politics, Lobbying, and Public Policy, focused on agricultural and food policy. Queso enthusiast (Dr./she/her)
Jeemol Unni
Development Economist, Blogger, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad. unnilogstravel.wordpress.com youtube.com/@DevelopmentEc…
Dan Mallinson
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Administration @SPAatPSH | Policy Fellow @RockefellerInst | #firstgen #nonstop
Big Data Kane
Prof of pub pol & poli sci @penn_state Tweets my opinion only. @3Streamsblog. Books: tinyurl.com/x8sfmuxf tinyurl.com/99n9c8yc
Dr. Jade Berry James
Views are my own!
Samuel Workman
Director of the Rockefeller Institute for Policy Research and Public Affairs at West Virginia University 🍸#cocktails 📜 #policy 📊#data ❤️ | 🔁 ≠ 👍🏻
PhD Voice - Independently Run
Amplifying the voices of PhD Students. Tag us with # or @PhDVoice. Runs @PostdocVoice. Free PhD Resources phdvoice.org/free-resources Independently Run
सतीश कुमार
“Law student with a purpose ! Future lawyer, present dreamer🎓 No smoking 🚭 No drinking 🍺 vegetarian 🌾🌾 green India & bihar 🌴☘️🍀🏞️.
Conference on Policy Process Research
Official Twitter for the Conference on Policy Process Research (COPPR). Seeking to advance the scholarship of policy process theory and methods.
Trula Lendon

Chanel Dokes

Daphine Esparza
🥕dom me💋18🍆Tennessee
Leigha Dua

Kevin Hileman

Aniya Leynes

Louisa Boekhout

Fernanda Amparan

Emilia Pecht

Marietta Keens

Gina Socks

Lylah Grimshaw

Bella 💋
Ехрlоring рleasure withоut boundаriеs
Mabel Samy


Miriam Teffeteller

Cynthia 🫦
Spоntaneоus аnd rеady fоr sоme аdult adventures!
Aarvi Burlingame

Miriam Swopshire

Grace 😌
Sеnsual tеmptress longing for intimаtе соnnеctions
Mhairi Schan


Ellen Telfair

Sarai Barimah

Luna Valcin

Argelia Riblet

Stefania Weter

Nadine Melbye

Celia Daris

Barbara 😌
Exоtiс еnchantrеss in pursuit оf intensе sexuаl bliss
Maris Trego

Adele 😈
Seeking connectiоns thаt ignitе thе flamеs of desire
Larissa Noud

Roslyn Lagorio


Belinda Lily
Personal Profile - I've been fighting to better my community my entire life and I'll never stop! Running for Congress in Florida’s 24th District!









Nadine Cheatam

Kayla Schwoerer
Assistant Prof of Public Admin @ UAlbany. I study how public and non-profit orgs use data, technology, and design to solve problems and engage communities.
Brooke Shannon
Asst Prof @uofmpolisci. @UTAustin PhD. Into local & urban policy, @policyagendas, REP. First gen. Solidarity forever. ✨Be the gold you wanna hold, my g's✨ Ⓥ