Rachel Stone
fintech @Mergermarket • formerly @SPGMarketIntel • WLU alum • aspiring world traveler • opinions my own • send tips: [email protected]
ID: 1912321524
27-09-2013 21:31:25
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Do better, Washington and Lee University. You shouldn’t put your reslife staff (or any staff or students, for that matter) in this situation.
On a day for the history books, Amanda Gorman delivered a poem that more than met the moment. Young people like her are proof that "there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it; if only we're brave enough to be it."
Computer services $CSVI saw interest from private equity and strategics before it sealed a deal with Centerbridge & Bridgeport, writes Rachel Stone on Dealreporter & Mergermarket. community.ionanalytics.com/computer-servi…
In case you missed it: $FIS is exploring a spin-off of its merchant payments arm as part of its ongoing strategic review. Story from Wednesday on Dealreporter, Mergermarket: mergermarket.com/intelligence/v…