RNPA (@rnpa_union) 's Twitter Profile


Labor union representing newsroom employees of the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Arm of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild. Let's keep local news strong.

ID: 1070140842751524864

calendar_today05-12-2018 02:20:33

622 Tweet


196 Following

Buffalo Newspaper Guild (@buffaloguild) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our members produce great work, but it won't get read if Lee Enterprises doesnā€™t fix its broken website and app. Weā€™ve told the company thereā€™s a problem, but since they don't believe us, we collected complaints from social media. (It didnā€™t take long.) #BuffaloDeservesBetteršŸ§µ

Our members produce great work, but it won't get read if <a href="/LeeEntNews/">Lee Enterprises</a> doesnā€™t fix its broken website and app. Weā€™ve told the company thereā€™s a problem, but since they don't believe us, we collected complaints from social media. (It didnā€™t take long.) #BuffaloDeservesBetteršŸ§µ
Paul Farhi (@farhip) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Background: The The Washington Post cut its Metro staff 10-plus percent as part of a buyout in late 2023. Now, per this news, it wants to sell ā€œpremiumā€ local news? Will it staff back up to do so? Or simply divert reporting/resources away from what basic subscribers are getting now?

Will Sommer (@willsommer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Media news: The Daily Beast buyout results are in, and they're just about gutting the site. 25 (or 70%) of unionized staffers took the buyouts, including nearly all of the most senior journalists. Meanwhile, non-union editors expect to face a round of firings at end of the month.

RNPA (@rnpa_union) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Richmond Times-Dispatch reports what RNPA already told you: On 7/4, RTD switches to digital-only on Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Yearā€™s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidentsā€™ Day and Memorial Day. search.app/sf74NCoeDfxHUxā€¦

Jordan Nailon (@thedailynailon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some personal news; Lee Enterprises has eliminated the sports editor position at The Daily News in Longview out of "financial considerations." It was a pleasure to make newspapers for my hometown and tell the stories of so many amazing people. Thank you for reading along.

Some personal news; Lee Enterprises has eliminated the sports editor position at The Daily News in Longview out of "financial considerations."
It was a pleasure to make newspapers for my hometown and tell the stories of so many amazing people. Thank you for reading along.
RNPA (@rnpa_union) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What you would have held in your hands this Fourth of July morning had ā¦Richmond Times-Dispatchā© - which is giving up print on about a dozen federal holidays - published the 3-D version that had landed at front doors across #Va every day w/o interruption since the end of the Civil War:

What you would have held in your hands this Fourth of July morning had ā¦<a href="/RTDNEWS/">Richmond Times-Dispatch</a>ā© - which is giving up print on about a dozen federal holidays - published the 3-D version that had landed at front doors across #Va every day w/o interruption since the end of the Civil War:
Buffalo Newspaper Guild (@buffaloguild) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy July 4th! Aside from celebrating our independence, today marks the first day in The Buffalo News' long daily history that it printed no physical paper on the 4th. And here's how Lee Enterprises spun that: (thread)

Happy July 4th! Aside from celebrating our independence, today marks the first day in <a href="/TheBuffaloNews/">The Buffalo News</a>' long daily history that it printed no physical paper on the 4th. And here's how <a href="/LeeEntNews/">Lee Enterprises</a> spun that: (thread)
Steven Waldman (@stevenwaldman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Founders wanted newspapers to get super cheap postal rates. Instead, at the moment when weā€™re struggling mostā€¦ ā€œPublishers Have Been Hit By Postal Rate Hikes Of 47.8% Since 2021ā€ ā¦News/Media Allianceā© mediapost.com/publications/aā€¦

Jeff E. Schapiro (@rtdschapiro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œYou buy a newspaper or you listen to the radio for current information and for news, and if it's not delivered in a timely manner it loses value." whro.org/virginia-goverā€¦

Graham Moomaw (@gmoomaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Personal news: This is my last week at The Virginia Mercury. Later this month, Iā€™m joining michael phillips to help launch The Richmonder. Very excited to get back to my City Hall roots and be a part of building a new local outlet. richmondbizsense.com/2024/08/06/rtdā€¦

Jeff E. Schapiro (@rtdschapiro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œThe website and emailed newsletter will focus on #Rva initially with plans to expand coverage to the counties over time.ā€ richmondbizsense.com/2024/08/06/rtdā€¦

RNPA (@rnpa_union) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Destination unknown? Richmond Times-Dispatch publisher Kelly Till said today paper is leaving downtown #Rva HQ April ā€˜25. No word - yet - where news, mrkting folks will go. Maybe Hanover plant? Quitting #Rva after generations there would cut literal, figurative bond w/ our core audience.

Dan Barry (@danbarrynyt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Huge news at The New York Times: After 63 years as the go-to rewrite man, lede-all maestro, and poetic obituary writer, the peerless Robert McFadden is retiring. Many times I have witnessed his artistry; the man is a legend. Great honor is due.

Jeff E. Schapiro (@rtdschapiro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œThese journalists say theyā€™ve found themselves exposed to communities they never would have otherwise knownā€¦ In doing so, they also built stronger bonds with their readers, helping to address the ever-declining level of trust in the news media.ā€ cjr.org/business_of_neā€¦