Richard Wheadon
Love T&L | Assistant Head Responsible for Quality of Education | SLE | Teacher of physics, chemistry and enviromental science. Views are my own
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https://everythingpedagogy.wordpress.com/blog/ 16-03-2024 23:06:36
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Doug Lemov Claire Hill And to celebrate the launch, we're hosting a free teaching clip analysis webinar featuring Doug Lemov Claire Hill Josh Goodrich & moi → Wed 11th September → 4pm (London time) Sign up here: bit.ly/Steplab-TLAC Any Qs drop us a line at [email protected] 👊

My daughters work on X, so proud. Katie Kirby she loves your books

On each inset day teacher gets 1.5hrs to pick and read an education book and consider how it can support their teaching. Many are also using this to support their Chartered College of Teaching. Some great early picks Yamina B Alex Quigley Adam Robbins (on 🧵)

Busy first week back now on the train to London for researchED

Ok so made my decisions tomorrows line up oliver caviglioli Rachel Ball LambHeartTea (she/her) Christine Counsell Caroline Sherwood Sarah Cottinghatt Adam Robbins (on 🧵) what a great day of professional development researchED #rED24

Great start to the day with oliver caviglioli two big takeaways for me "Organising WM means meaning making" and "Teach students to write for learning." #rED24

Great session on scaffolding from Rachel Ball and LambHeartTea (she/her) key takeaway from me, you know you done done scaffolding well when you can't tell which pupil has a target of 9 and which one has a primary school reading age. #rED24

Session 3 in the sports hall to listen to Christine Counsell talk about knowledge. #rED24

After our head of humanities referenced Christine Counsell in our curriculum conversation below I had to listen to her researchED. I recommend all T&L leads listen to her talk to give them a better understanding of how knowledge looks different in different subjects. #rED24

Session 4 Rachel Ball and Caroline Sherwood on instructional coaching. All I can say is if you plan on or want to improve IC then talk to these two. #rED24

Session 5 with Dr. Neil Gilbride and Sarah Cottinghatt, what can u say, anyone who wants to help teachers get better needs to develop their knowledge of mental models. Looking forward to working with Sarah in the future #rED24

On the train home loved researchED, final presentation Adam Robbins (on 🧵) did a brilliant job of unpicking the psychology behind motivation and used to to show why in some schools pupils are more likely to participate in routines than others. #rED24

After a great day researchED looking forward to speaking at researchED Surrey about navigated the challenges of teacher autonomy

Thanks Sarah Cottinghatt Dr. Neil Gilbride Adam Robbins (on 🧵) LambHeartTea (she/her) Rachel Ball Caroline Sherwood oliver caviglioli Christine Counsell for a great day researchED lots to think about, thanks Tom Bennett OBE Hélène Galdin-O'Shea for organising, my initial reflection is below. #rED24 everythingpedagogy.wordpress.com/2024/09/07/my-…