Regina Lenz
Economic and social geographer | sustainable procurement, family firms, institutional change, informal practices | Postdoc @eggroup_hd
ID: 1007553109525192704
15-06-2018 09:19:15
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Join the talk of Robert Panitz tomorrow, on the last day of the Regional Studies Association Global E-Festival! There is still time to register! #RinR21 #Brexit

in case you missed it: The recorded session with the talk of Regina Lenz on the development of regional embeddedness of family firms in the course of #succession is now available on youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=3MNl1A… #RinR21

And in case you missed the presentation by Robert Panitz, you still have the chance to watch the recorded session with the following link: youtube.com/watch?v=k00xUV… #RinR21 #Brexit #relocation

Fantastic piece by Felipe Bosch on including the civil society in #policy-making processes in #LatinAmerica Thank you, I really enjoyed reading this! #DevMatters oecd-development-matters.org/2021/05/31/reg…

No #CraftBeer in Bavaria? Listen to Johannes Glückler talk about how #innovation can succeed against regulatory odds at today's International Conference Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) on our youtube channel #RGSIBG21 youtube.com/watch?v=YH8L88…

And for those of you who prefer to hear about the paper rather than read it - here is a video of Johannes telling you all about it (held on 31 August 2021 Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)) youtube.com/watch?v=YH8L88…

Our suggestion for an interesting weekend read: what's the recipe for becoming an economically successful region - beyond the usual suspects? Read about Johannes Glückler's research in Heilbronn-Franconia in The New European - Think Without Borders Andrés Rodríguez-Pose theneweuropean.co.uk/heilbronn-fran…

An alle Heidelberger! Am 23.10. wird es einen Infostand zum Thema #Plastik geben, organisiert von zwei Geographie-Studentinnen der Uni Heidelberg. Schaut vorbei, beim Anatomiegarten (Hauptstraße 49), ab 10 Uhr! #PlasticPollution #Plastic_waste #plastic

If you're not busy this Saturday & want to do something good: Join this student initiative to #CleanUp a natural reserve & free it from #PlasticWaste Since it's an island, we'll go there by dinghies & canoes, so it'll be an #adventure too! @eggroup_hd Uni Heidelberg

The World Bank and place-based #development intervention. If you are looking for a theoretical and empirical framework to tap into the economic potential of every place, Arti Grover, Somik Lall & William Maloney provide a very interesting one. hdl.handle.net/10986/36843

„Sanktionen gegen Russland - #SWIFT Rauswurf jetzt! Olaf Scholz Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock #Ukraine” - Jetzt unterschreiben! chng.it/fLTpMbLk via Change.org Deutschland