Rémy Crassard
@CNRS archaeologist / Palaeolithic & Neolithic in the Middle East / Arabian Peninsula
ID: 882194496590630912
http://www.globalkites.fr 04-07-2017 11:08:53
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New🪁paper: Desert kites morphology is very diversified (size, shape, number of constituent elements). We propose a typology, regionalization, and a map at the scale of the entire distribution area #desertkites Archéorient #globalkites LINK: rdcu.be/c5FuB
Desert Monoliths Reveal World’s Oldest Architectural Plans. #kitesarecool Yorke Rowan quote. Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures nyti.ms/3pOen02
Not any more! Nothing like doing good field work. "Massive prehistoric stone structures found in desert landscapes from Saudi Arabia to Kazakhstan have baffled archaeologists for decades." Rémy Crassard nytimes.com/2023/05/17/sci…
Vor 9000 Jahren bauten die Menschen in der arabischen Wüste riesige Anlagen aus Stein – und hielten sie in den ältesten Architekturzeichnungen der Welt fest. #desertkites #Archaeology Rémy Crassard Chad Hill Michael Fradley nzz.ch/ld.1738080
[Congrès 13ICAANE@Copenhagen] Co-directeurs de la mission #KLDP, Dr. R.Crassard CNRS 🌍 & Dr. M.AlMushawah الهيئة الملكية لمحافظة العلا dévoileront aujourd'hui avec leurs équipes les 1ers résultats des analyses multiscalaires des monuments funéraires mégalithiques de #Khaybar à #AlUla 👉 miniurl.be/r-4khd
[13ICAANE@Copenhagen Congress] Co-directors of the #KLDP mission, Dr. R.Crassard CNRS 🌍 & Dr. M.AlMushawah الهيئة الملكية لمحافظة العلا will unveil today with their teams the first results of the multiscalar analyses of megalithic funerary monuments in the #Khaybar Oasis in #AlUla 👉 miniurl.be/r-4khd