The Rihel lab
Zebrafish lab @UCL. We study the genes & neurons that regulate sleep 🐟💤
ID: 1103959473058734080
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucbtjr3/ 08-03-2019 10:03:43
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637 Following

Eivind Valen
Prof. @cbu_bergen and @MSarsCentre Interests include #nanopore, #CRISPR and #translation
Yang Zhang

Vishal Mohanakrishnan
PhD student @MPI_muenster. Arteries, Veins, Capillaries and Food. #TeamPixel
Liz Haynes, PhD 🐟🔬
@Morgridge_Inst Post-Doc | @LeadingEdgeSymp '20 | @SCAgingBrain TTI Fellow | 🧠🔬🐟 Proud First-Gen and Cancer Survivor
mamede et al
PhD student at UFRN. Working with zebrafish behavior
David Schoppik
Studying how balance develops, functions, and breaks @nyulangone. Tweets not NYULH's. He/him. Do you really need to be here? Try @[email protected]
Dr. Rebecca Burdine - (Black lives matter!)
Using zebrafish to study human disease and disorders. Advocate for those with Angelman Syndrome. Opinions my own. [email protected]
Prof Selina Wray
Professor of Molecular Neuroscience at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology. Barnsley lass. she/her @wraylabUCL @UCLIoN
Travis Kyani-Rogers

Juan Quintana, Ph.D.
@WellcomeTrust fellow / junior group leader @UoM_DIIIRM @LydiaBeckerIII @GJBrainResearch @OfficialUoM @BIG_research 🇻🇪 🏴 🇬🇧
josephine millard
zebrafish dev bio at University of Pennsylvania - autism researcher, feminist, optimist
Duy-Linh Tran
interested in sleep medicine
Maxwell Shafer
Assistant Professor @UofTCellSysBiol - comparative genomics/ethology & evolutionary cell biology of sleep + adventures with @hilsawh
Dr. Irene Salinas Remiro
Professor at the University of New Mexico. Mucosal immunology and neuroimmunology. ella/she/her
Rajendra Rohokale
#Research Assistance Scientists #@University of Florida #N-PDF#@ CSIR-NCL, Pune#Ph.D.#@University of Pune (SPPU)#
Misha Ahrens
Senior Group Leader at HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Christian Mosimann
Johnson Chair, Assoc. Prof @CUAnschutz, @CUDevBio | @molbcu @CSD_CUAMC | #devbio, cell fate, cardiovascular disease, #zebrafish | BoD @InfoIzfs @SocDevBio
Neuro and Developmental biologist. PostDoc at day. Supervillain at night. #BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights mads100tist in Mastodon and the sky app
Makoto Uji
Researcher @tamakimasak18's @cogsom21, @RIKEN_CBS, using multimodal neuroimaging (EEG-fMRI) to better understand human sleeping brain function 🇯🇵🇬🇧🇨🇦🇯🇵
Young-Chan Kim
PhD student@KAIST, IBS / Internal medicine physician
Harmit S. Malik
Study genetic conflicts professionally. Try to avoid conflicts in personal life (with mixed results). @HutchBasicSci @fredhutch @HHMINEWS He/him
Luis Eichelmann 🇪🇺
Med Student @UniLuebeck | Research @cardiogenetics on GWAS CAD risk loci in #zebrafish | #yDZHK #DGKambassador
Anne Vassalli

Robert Hindges
Neuroscientist & genome editor, Head of Neural Connectivity and Visual Function Lab @KingsCollegeLon Interested in neurodevelopmental disorders
Michael Bale
Technical Sales, Support and Service Professional + Former Neuroscientist. Connecting scientific researchers to imaging solutions
Nadine Vastenhouw
Molecular biologist with interest in transcription, chromatin, and developmental biology.
Dong Won (Thomas) Kim
Group Leader @dandrite @NordicEMBL 🇩🇰. Neurodegeneration | Neurodevelopment | Hypothalamus aficionado. PhD @CneOtago. Postdoc @SethBlackshaw. 🇰🇷🇳🇿
Matteo Bruzzone
| 🧠 of 🐠🪰 | Evolution | PostDoc @dsb_unipd @UniPadova | Former PhD student @PNC_UniPD | Organizer @FnipInitiative 🔬🧠
Kristobal Gudenschwager
DVM, PhD, TBI researcher. interested in neuro immune axis, sleep and post traumatic epilepsy.
Neuroscience, meninges, brain vasculature, blood-brain barrier, cake (or cookies)
Shivali Dongre
PhD Student at the Vastenhouw Group in CIG, UNIL; MSc. from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 🐟
Charlotte Li
Vienna Biocenter neuroscience PhD student
Sonu Yadav


Stefania Pirosca
Neuroscience student. I take pleasure in asking “Why?”.
Alex Winsor
Evolution of sensory systems and behavior. Novel tools for investigating spider brains. PhD candidate in Organismic & Evolutionary Biology @UMassAmherst he/him
Laboratoire Jean Perrin
Le Laboratoire Jean Perrin (@CNRS/@Sorbonne_Univ_) est tourné vers la physique & la biologie. The LJP conducts research at the interface of physics & biology.
Peter Fabian
Assistant Prof @MUNI_Science #zebrafish #devbio 🇸🇰🇨🇿🇪🇺🇺🇸 @ERC_Research, he/him, *All views my own
Kateřina Apolínová
Industrial PhD candidate studying the ❤️ in the 🦓🐟.
Uğurcan Sakızlı
ODTÜ - Biyoloji BOUN - Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Kobe University - Tıp RIKEN CBS - Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı
Becker Lab CRTDresden 😷
Becker Lab Center for Regenerative Therapies at the TU Dresden - Tweets personal opinion of CB (she/her/prof/Humboldtian) #ImpfenSchuetzt #DieMaskeBleibtAuf
♨️M3 @official_JO1
Stephan Neuhauss
Neuroscience Prof and fisherman
Bahl Lab
We are interested in how individual animals and animal collectives process and evaluate sensory information, and how such computations give rise to behavior.
Justyna Zmorzyńska
interested in neurodevelopment and brain connectivity
Nithish G S
MS"24 Bio Graduate - IISER Tirupati | Science Communicator | Writer & Editor (Science + Literature) | Guitarist (Rhythm)
Noa Bar-Ilan

Tina E
Neuroscience PhD student @NedergaardLab in Copenhagen. Excited about Glymphatics, Sensory circuits, and Pain.
Department of Physiology Anatomy & Genetics (DPAG)
Our mission is empowering #discovery in the #physiological #sciences to improve #health and educate the next generation of #doctors and #biomedical #scientists.
Amulya Vijay
Ph.D. Scholar @ University of Madras, India Special Collaborative Researcher @ NIG, Japan
Chiara Fornetto
Postdoc at University of Sussex - Studying the retinal basis of visual behaviours in 🦓🐟
Harper Ling



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Tornini Lab @ UCLA
Launched July 2024. Evolution and genetics of vertebrate neurodevelopment @uclaibp & @socgenucla. Led by PI @Vale_Tornini. Views our own.
Adhiraj Goel
🧪🔬🧫 | Post-bac @AdityaRaguram's lab | biotech @iitdelhi Also on adhirajgoel.bsky.social
Anastasia Ivanova
Beginner Scientist 🧑🔬🐁🧠 Interested in genetics, ecology, neuroscience. Masters student at Cortexlab @UCL
Amanda Anne
Final year PhD. 👩🔬 Studying electromagnetic field effects on zebrafish early development. Looking for postdoc positions for 2025. *Opinions are my own*
PhD in Human Movement Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Postdoc in zebrafish brain dynamics in Fudan University
Omer Sharon
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Human Sleep Science, UC Berkeley. studying human sleep in health and disease.
Rui Monteiro
Interested in blood stem cells, the cardiovascular system and zebrafish. University of Birmingham, UK. Views my own. passinhas.wixsite.com/monteiro-lab
Cassandra Extavour
Roberto Mayor Lab
The aim of our research group is to elucidate the mechanism that underlies the development of the Neural Crest, from induction to migration and differentiation.
Gilles Vanwalleghem
Assistant Professor at Aarhus University 🇩🇰. Enteric neuroscience and immune response in zebrafish. He/Him. @[email protected] @drgillesv.bsky.social
Luca Vinnell
PhD Candidate Studying Neuroimmune Interactions in Parkinson's Disease | Centre for Brain Research | The University of Auckland
Fumi Kubo
Neuroscientist @ RIKEN Center for Brain Science
Emre Yaksi
My passion is to understand the life and the universe surrounding us, join me at @[email protected]
Elisabeth Kugler
Science Communicator | Biomedical Image Analyst | Biologist || Director at @Zeeks_Art || #DataScience #SciArt #sciComm #DevBio