Product Manager by day, too much into biking since 2020 and always father of three
ID: 2258962323
02-01-2014 22:07:24
146 Tweet
45 Following
Saturday’s Pride parade had over 50.000 participants that danced, walked and shared love all through Stockholm city. Liam Tolstoy was represented with amongst others party leader Nyamko Sabuni #pride #europride #pridesthlm #stockholmpride #pridesthlm2019 #parade #prideparad…
@SlussenSthlm Cyklandeombud @MP_Sthlms_Stad Sen NÄR har dålig sikt varit en trafiksäkerhetshöjande åtgärd? Detta visar ännu en gång att ni inte har tillräcklig kunskap - ni gissar. Ni tar inte reda på fakta, ni studerar inte vad handböcker/utformningsprinciper säger om sikt. Det får brukarna i stället göra åt er.
If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), here’s a useful primer as to why these measures can slow the spread of the virus and save lives. We have to look out for each other.…