@EU_H2020 Project 2017-2020: Provision of a prediction system allowing for management and optimization of #snow in Alpine #ski resorts.
ID: 857872440780836865
http://www.prosnow.org 28-04-2017 08:21:43
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🏔️Delighted that our study on #snow depth trends in the European Alps is out today The Cryosphere #openaccess Great initiative by M. Matiu et al. Eurac Research, bringing together scientists & in-situ obs. across the Alps Robust results & freely available #FAIR data 🔗tc.copernicus.org/articles/15/13…

Trois jours de formation sur la preparation des pistes de ski et la gestion de la neige avec les equipes Les Angles. ❄🏔 Une belle opportunite pour presenter les outils PROSNOW et #climsnow developpes par Météo-France, INRAE et #dianeige!

Meetings and discussions today GRANVALIRA @soldeu! ❄🏔 CENMA IEA and Météo-France present new #ski slope preparation and #snow management tools to local stakeholders. ❄🏔 - #snowplanner - PROSNOW - #climsnow

In the latest #PolarPredictionMatter Blog, Carlo Carmagnola PROSNOW & Martin Coath Blue-Action tell us about developing #climate services for winter tourism & #snow management ❄️ read the full interview by Hannah Grist here bit.ly/31z0yDc

Publication today in Climate Services of our article "Pan-European meteorological and #snow indicators of #climatechange impact on #ski #tourism" #openaccess Happy to report on this freely available dataset & App developed through Copernicus ECMWF #C3S 🔗doi.org/10.1016/j.clis…

📢 Today #ECCA2021 👉360° View of Climate Impacts: Experiencing The Future to Plan Adaptation Presented by Cascades #CINEA_EU project, with ECDPM 🔎 🌍 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK Systems Solutions @2021ECCA Hanne Louise Knaepen & Christopher Reyer 🗓️ 31/05 @ 10.00 & 13.30 CEST ✍️ ecca21.eu

Interested in #climateservices development from a demand side perspective ? See our latest PROSNOW #openaccess publication from Judith Köberl Franz Prettenthaler (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) also feat. Hug @hugfr@fediscience.org INRAE & Samuel Morin @smlmrn@piaille.fr Carlo Carmagnola Météo-France CNRS 🌍 sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

#DYK that Copernicus EMS' European & Global Drought Observatory provides drought-relevant information & early warnings for Europe & the globe? Check out the website ▶️bit.ly/2UAH3rj

Salon #alpipro #digi2021! Météo-France, Andorra Recerca + Innovació et #dianeige sont la, pour presenter leurs outils PROSNOW, #climsnow et #snowplanner. Demain a 10h15, table ronde sur le changement climatique et le stations de ski.

How can grooming & snowmaking in #ski resorts be optimised? PROSNOW is a prediction model for meteorological and snow conditions which supports ski resort activities under increasingly challenging operating conditions due to #ClimateChange: Météo-France buff.ly/3ArREHT

Nouveau papier issu des travaux de PROSNOW publié en #OpenAccess dans The Cryosphere ⤵️ L'occasion d'un thread en français pour de présenter le SRU "Ski Resort Unit", décrit en GB dans l'article, objet spatial co-élaboré avec Carlo Carmagnola tc.copernicus.org/articles/15/39… 1/9

How can grooming & snowmaking in #ski resorts be optimised? PROSNOW is a prediction model for meteorological and snow conditions which supports ski resort activities under increasingly challenging operating conditions due to #ClimateChange: Météo-France buff.ly/3BQ7KL7

🎓Soutenance de ma thèse «Trajectoires d’évolution des stations de sports d’hiver des Alpes françaises : la place de la production de neige» codirigée par E.George, Samuel Morin @smlmrn@piaille.fr & Hug @hugfr@fediscience.org 📅 le 16/12 à 14h 💻Lien pour assister en visio : bit.ly/theseLBC