priyanka datta
I love all things emergency medicine, puppies, Beyonce & Tacos.
ID: 997296167347159047
18-05-2018 02:01:49
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103 Following

Meet student ambassador priyanka datta MS4 from Albert Einstein College of Medicine! Her interests are all things EM, health care disparities & finding the best tacos in NYC. She’s a mom to a lab hound mix & spends her free time baking puppy treats for her dog Luna. #FIXers18 #FIX18

As a medical student applying into emergency medicine this year, hearing this talk about physician burn out is VERY NEEDED thanks Arlene S. Chung, MD, MACM for the wonderful talk! #FIX18 #feminEM

Is time up in healthcare too? Esther Choo, MD MPH and me in ACEP Members acepnow.com/article/two-em…

How do I celebrate matching into my top choice SUNY Downstate for emergency medicine you ask? By reading “Olivia Otter” to my three year old nephew. Thank you Dara Kass, MD for the entertainment!

"What app are you using??" emresidents MobilEM sells itself when you can pull up CCB tox treatment in seconds during a pediatric resus sim! Kings County EM Christopher Kiang priyanka datta Jay Pandya

Blown away and humbled by Dr. priyanka datta talk on Exploring the History of Racism in Medicine. We need to learn and acknowledge our patients reasons for mistrusting the medical establishment in order to earn their trust. #SocialEM Kings County EM