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http://www.canada.ca/en/polar-knowledge/index.html 23-06-2014 18:57:29
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New video! In a beautiful co-creation with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, and Nunavut Research Institute of the NUArcticCollege , POLAR is delighted to officially launch our newest educational video on Trichinella in Arctic and Northern Canada. Check out the video here! ow.ly/ekNj50TfyGm
Building LEGO robots at #CHARS! Thanks to a donation from FIRST Robotics Canada , POLAR staff, including #FIRSTAlumni Emiko, led a 2-day FIRST LEGO League camp for Cambridge Bay kids. High schoolers assisted 12 young participants (ages 5-12) in building & programming robots! #STEAM
Visiting researcher Spencer Monckton from University of Guelph brought a MinION sequencer and did the DNA barcoding for his work right at #CHARS, which meant for the first time, a batch of ARCBIO specimens were collected, barcoded, identified, and deposited without ever leaving Victoria Island!
.GovCan – North shares more from our Aqhaliat report, this time about the impacts of the ocean on plants, animals and the communities! Check it out!
The Nunavut metals management demonstration project involves the disposal and recycling of old trucks, appliances and hazardous materials in the North. Find out more: ow.ly/3SC950TrHQr PolarKnowledgeCanada