Ricardo Baeza-Yates
ACM & IEEE Fellow. Co-author of Modern Information Retrieval. Data scientist for more than 30 years. Bias fighter & applied geographer. English & Spanish.
ID: 2998896042
http://www.baeza.cl/ 28-01-2015 03:32:44
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Excited to kick-off #KDD2024 (kdd2024.kdd.org) on Sunday and super proud to be General Chair (together with Ricardo Baeza-Yates) of such an event. More than 2200 attendees from all over the globe, 82 organizers, 133 student volunteers, and an incredible list of generous sponsors
Excited to announce the #ResponsibleAIDay at #KDD2024 Association for Computing Machinery ⚡️Join us to discuss AI ethics, transparency, fairness, and accountability! Co-organized by Ricardo Baeza-Yates & Nataly Buslón, PhD ➡️Check out the program: kdd2024.kdd.org/responsible-ai…
Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Francesco Bonchi kicking off SIGKDD 2024 2024 in Barcelona #KDD2024
🔥 Here's SIGKDD 2024 General Chairs making sure that the #KDD2024 PhD Poster Session runs smoothly... kudos! 🙌Francesco Bonchi Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Shoutout to the general chairs Francesco Bonchi & Ricardo Baeza-Yates and the entire organizing committee! 🙌 SIGKDD 2024
Bravo Ricardo Baeza-Yates 👏👏👏 mineduc.cl/ricardo-baeza-…
Really enjoyed and learnt a lot from my conversation with Ricardo Baeza-Yates from Institute for Experiential AI at Northeastern where we talk about: + How to live a life without regrets + The secrets behind a successful and happy career See complete videos here: instagram.com/p/C_dQiwlAK0A/
Second day of ASONAM Conference 2024 at Università della Calabria just started with the keynote by Kyriaki Kalimeri about Machine Learning for Social Good! #asonam24 #unical #unicef UNICEF ISI Foundation
Non-human errors are the most insidious in AI as it’s hard for us to even imagine them. Ricardo Baeza-Yates on the tangle of biases in data, systems, and human behaviour, suggesting that it would be best if AI systems said “I don’t know” sometimes. Great keynote at ASONAM Conference
It has been an honor to have Ricardo Baeza-Yates as a keynote speaker for ASONAM Conference 2024 at Università della Calabria. His talk about the limitations of data, machine learning and us has raised tons of questions about the future of AI and how we should manage our relation with it! #asonam24
Premio Nac. Ciencias Aplicadas 2024, Ricardo Baeza-Yates: “El problema de la IA no es terminator, no es un súper robot que nos va a aniquilar. Más me preocupa la desinformación, la salud mental”. Y advierte: “Lo que yo llamo la ‘verdad digital’ ya no existe”. Radio USACH 94.5 FM
Siempre es muy Interesante Escucharlo Profesor Ricardo Baeza-Yates • The rise of AI #FakeNews is creating a 'misinformation superspreader' washingtonpost.com/technology/202…