Dr. Purnima Menon
CGIAR & IFPRI. I want a world where science is embedded in the fabric of equity. Tweets mine. Mastodon: mastodon.online/@pmenon1
ID: 214326508
http://www.ifpri.org/staffprofile/purnima-menon 11-11-2010 03:49:37
17,17K Tweet
4,4K Following

Erin Overbey
Archive Editor, @NewYorker + Classics newsletter editor. NYer archivist since 1994. IG & Threads: erin.overbey erinoverbey.bsky.social
Faustine Ndugulile
Doctor. Parliamentarian. Fmr Minister ICT. Fmr Deputy Minister of Health. Passionate about Sports, ICT & Global Health. WHO AFRO Regional Director-Elect
David Bergman
Writing on politics, elections, corruption, human rights etc .. with particular interest in Bangladesh. Most recently Netra News, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 News
Dr Arun Gupta MD (Pediatrics-1976) FIAP
Convenor, NAPi, former member PM's Nutrition Council, Coordinator BPNI and WBTi worldbreastfeedingtrends.org bfhi-india.in/home.php
Brieuc Pont
Envoyé spécial de @francediplo pour la #Nutrition, Secrétaire général du Sommet #N4GParis - (Good) Food lover, #AvGeek ✈️ #LatamWonk 🌎
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. IFPRI is a @CGIAR Research Center. #OneCGIAR
Mambo Italiano
Hidden gems from the most beautiful country in the world: Italy 🇮🇹
Kevin Hall
Nutrition & metabolism scientist. Brady & Cameron’s dad. Tweets are my personal views.
Abhijeet Singh
Dev economist at Stockholm @handels_sse and @JPAL. Past:@NuffieldCollege @EconUCL.Tweets on econ, edu, India, miscellanea.
Lawrence Haddad
Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). An evidence based champion of efforts to end malnutrition. Soon.
Zoha Waseem
Asst. Prof. @SocioWarwick | Co-Coord. @Urban_Violence | Non-resident Scholar @CarnegieSAsia | Author: 'Insecure Guardians' (@HurstPublishers & OUP '22)
David Evans
Economist @the_IDB. Formerly @CGDev, @WorldBank, @RANDCorporation, and usher at my neighborhood movie theater. My views, not my employer's.
Dr. Simón Barquera
Director, Centro de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud (@1CINyS) del @INSPmx. Investigador Nacional SNI-3 @Conacyt_mx | President @WorldObesity
Somdeep Chatterjee
Empirical Microeconomist. Assistant Professor in the Economics Group at @IIM_Calcutta . PhD in Economics from @UHouston . Views personal.
Joyce Akpata
Determined to make a difference!
Agence Française de #Développement (AFD) 🇫🇷 🇪🇺
Nous sommes la plus ancienne banque de développement au monde et engagés pour un #MondeEnCommun #SDGs #ODD @AFD_en @AFD_es | DG @RiouxRemy
Edward Tufte
data visualization & analysis, artist, publisher. Founder: Graphics Press, Hogpen Hill Farms, ET Modern Gallery
ECF India
We are on a mission to raise #GenderEquitableBoys in India. #SocialChange #GenderEquality #NonProfit #Changemakers
International Potato Center
International Potato Center (CIP) conducts agriculture research to improve food & nutrition security, livelihoods & climate resilience. 🔸 @CGIAR
The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is a teaching cum research Institute.
Road Scholarz
Freelance scholars and student volunteers interested in action-oriented research, socio-economic rights and related issues.
Anant Bhan
Researcher-Bioethics/Global Health/Policy; Adjunct Prof; Past Prez @IABioethics; Mentor @SangathIndia Bhopal; Dr. in.linkedin.com/in/anant-bhan-…
Rukmini S
Knowledge from data for everyone. Founder, Data For India. Book: "Whole Numbers & Half Truths" (Westland '21). Before: @The_Hindu, @timesofindia, @livemint.
Sarah Khan
assistant professor of poli sci @AU_SIS, previously @Yale | i research & teach gender & south asian politics | affiliate @ideaspak @HaqMahbub 🇵🇰
Saskia Osendarp
Executive Director Micronutrient Forum/@MNForum /Goalkeeper/Visiting Associate Professor @WUR /micronutrients/malnutrition/global health/new on Threads
Leslie Feinzaig
Founder, VC, writer, mom. 📝 @fortunemagazine @fastcompany @techcrunch. Founder of @vcsforkamala. Pura vida 🇨🇷
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) is a country-led multisectoral/stakeholder movement advancing prosperity for people and the planet through #nutrition for all.
Gerard Schmets
Deputy Director @WHO PHC Special Programme @UHCPartnership - Proud former MSF & Aedes - #ProudToBeWHO - RT are not endorsement
D-Cor: Development Corner
DCOR (Development Corner), a consulting firm which provides techno-managerial-operational services towards development of various socio-economic sectors.
Tarun Jain तरुण जैन
Dad, economics professor, no time for anything else | Researching India's next generation human capital | Lucky @UVAEcon @FandMCollege alum
Pritish Kumar
Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF Office Jharkhand, India, Tweeting in personal capacity
Africa’s policy framework for agricultural transformation, wealth creation, food security & nutrition, economic growth & prosperity for all!
Michael Ojo
Country Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Nigeria. Working on food systems for more diverse, healthier diets! Opinions all mine☺
Kwaw Andam

Isabel Madzorera, ScD
Nutrition epidemiologist | International nutrition | Researching maternal diet quality & health outcomes | Agriculture, food systems & diets nexus|@Harvard
Amber Peterman
@UNCPublicPolicy @TransferProjct & @CGDev NR fellow | Research: #Gender, violence & economic empowerment | would rather be climbing mountains | 🌱-based
carly nichols
Geographer, Asst. Prof in Geog and Global Health Studies at #uiowa ....not a big tweeter but email me :D [email protected]
Sonalde Desai
Data junkie & Prof. of Sociology University of Maryland & NCAER. Living a life consumed by India Human Development Survey fieldwork.
Jill McCluskey
Regents Prof & Director, WSU School of Econ Sciences; Chair of BANR, National Academies of Sciences; Matt's wife, mom to Ryan & Lauren in heaven 🕯
Kamala HQ
Providing context.
Uma Mahadevan Dasgupta
Additional Chief Secretary & Development Commissioner, Government of Karnataka | Public service | Personal account.
profhuq/সম্তলৗ হক
Musings of a law professor #WorkersRights #LegalEd #Bangladesh #MovementLawyering @lawatmargins @harlemadda linktr.ee/profhuq
Aakriti Gupta
Research Fellow at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom (Ex- NITI Aayog, Policy Think Tank, Government of India)
Economics & CEDA, Ashoka U. Music, movies, books, travel and food, in random order.
Hope Michelson
Development Economist. Ag econ. Associate Professor ACE@Illinois Associate Editor AJAE Non-resident fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs @ChicagoCouncil
Stuart Gillespie
Nutrition, food systems, health | writer amheath.com/authors/stuart- @canongatebooks | non-res senior fellow @IFPRI | hon. associate @IDS_UK | views own
Ruth Hill
Development Economist. Views are my own.
Republicans against Trump
Pro-democracy conservatives Republicans fighting Trump & Trumpism. Please support our work: buymeacoffee.com/RFJBIDENj
Santosh Kumar
Assoc Prof @KeoughGlobalND |Postdoc @HarvardPopCtr |RF @iza_bonn @Glabor_org |Editor @PLOSONE @PLOSGPH| Ph.D. @UHouston | Dev & global health economist, India
Bhavani Shankar
Food systems, nutrition, sustainability, equity, economics, policy & interdisciplinarity; plants, rabbits, cool jazz, languages. Learning Welsh.
Malvikha Manoj (she/her)
Human @earth at the core of it. Tweets are my own and not endorsements from or representative of my affiliations.
Win With Black Women
#WinWithBlackWomen is a collective of intergenerational, intersectional Black women leaders throughout the nation making a difference!
Nigerian Institute of Social & Economic Research
NISER: Nigeria's Premier Policy Think-Tank in the area of social and economic policy research since 1950
Int. Association of Agricultural Economists
IAAE is a non-profit international association of agricultural economists engaged in Ag Economics, renewable resources and environmental issues
Tinotenda Mhiko
Chief Executive Officer - Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA).
June Kunugi
UNICEF Regional Director for East Asia & the Pacific. 30+ years of working across the globe #ForEveryChild and their rights. Retweets are not endorsements.
ex-WB, Segou,Niamey, Addis, Abidjan, Dakar, Dar, Rome. [email protected],'Impact of ILRI' hdl.handle.net/10568/108972
Claire Jackson
A soil scientist by day, and by night... too
Sen. Dr. Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, CON
Official Account of the Senator, Niger North Senatorial District Niger State (2015-2023) Minister of state, Agriculture and Food Security.
Join us at ICAE 2024-32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists : Shaping the Future of Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
Chief Adviser of the Government of Bangladesh
Muhammad Yunus is the Chief Adviser of the interim government of Bangladesh
Chasing Hope Tweets and RTs reflect personal opinion.le de ke apne paas faqat ik nazar to hai kyun dekhen zindagi ko kisi ki nazar se ham”
Jonathan Mockshell
Agrifood System Economics and Policy Environment #Researcher @CGIAR @BiovIntCiat_eng NRF @IDOS_research Co-lead@Evidence Clearing House #designThinking
Sanjeev Kumar Chadha
Indian Forest Service, Author , Doctorate in Wildlife Management.With Government of India
Wilmat Development Foundation
A Local NGO founded on the Notion of Preventing & Responding to the Vulnerabilities faced by Women & Youth in the grassroot communities through #CLD Approaches.
Vani Sethi
Leads, demonstrates and concerned about delivery of essential nutrition interventions for girls and mothers in South Asia.
Lopamudra Tripathy
Social Behaviour Change Specialist, UNICEF Views expressed are personal and RTs are not endorsements!
Ty Beal
Nutrition enthusiast @GAINAlliance Tweets are my own
Stephen GR Omollo
Assistant Executive Director, Workplace and Management, World Food Programme @WFP (Former CEO, @PlanGlobal)
Marcela Quintero
Ecologist and Agronomist. Associate Director General, Research Strategy and Innovation @BiovIntCIAT_eng @BioIntCIAT_es @CGIAR Director for Land & Environment