Per Kristian Sbertoli
Passionate about fighting poverty and climate change. Working @norfund, but tweeting opinions that are just my own.
ID: 106769293
20-01-2010 16:52:34
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Our new International Energy Agency report finds that that clean energy transitions are cheaper than the path we are currently on. How could this be? Surely sticking with fossil fuels is cheaper than buying fancy new kit like EVs and heat pumps…right? Nope. Let’s get into it.

1/3 Earlier today we were honoured to host the Norwegian Foreign Minister, Hon. Espen Barth Eide as part of his official visit to Kenya, with representation from Norway in Kenya , Norfund and Novastar Ventures . He affirmed Norway’s enthusiasm for Kenya’s growing e-mobility sector and

Buckle up! 🚍Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide visited BasiGo Kenya 🇰🇪, one of our investees through Novastar Ventures, to test one of Nairobi's electrical busses🚎 The aim is to reach 1,000 locally assembled e-buses in Kenya over the next three years, creating 300 jobs 🇰🇪

- Firmaet reduserer utslipp, det forbedrer klimaet, og det skaper arbeidsplasser. At Norfund støtter dette er helt riktig, sier Espen Barth Eide, om investeringen i elbusser i Nairobi.

- Norge kunne feks investert titalls milliarder mer i #Klimainvesteringsfondet til @Norfund. Fondet er både en effektiv måte å kutte klimautslipp, samtidig som det historisk har gitt en finansiell avkastning som overgår #Oljefondet, skriver Aksel Braanen Sterri dagsavisen.no/debatt/komment…