Philipp Sonderegger
Ja, ich höre? Menschenrechtler
ID: 9094572
http://phsblog.at 25-09-2007 20:21:08
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Ahead of the 2 year anniversary of the United Nations human rights office’s damning report on Xinjiang, UN Human Rights Volker Türk + UN member countries should intensify pressure on the Chinese government to end its abuses. New from Human Rights Watch 👇hrw.org/news/2024/08/2…

Appalled by the impact of the widespread attacks in #Lebanon on civilians. We must not allow the hollowing out of international law and its protective core. Neither in this nor in any other situation around the world - Volker Türk ohchr.org/en/statements-…

Menasse lesen und Österreich verstehen. Danke für die Seuchenkolumne 1493 Büro Thurnher falter.at/seuchenkolumne…