Pavlos Msaouel
Physician-Scientist, Oncologist, PI #MsaouelLab @MDAndersonNews | Tweets=my views | #kidneycancer #RenalMedullaryCarcinoma #endRMC #rarecancers
ID: 872939572090609664
https://faculty.mdanderson.org/profiles/pavlos_msaouel.html 08-06-2017 22:13:07
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I'm thrilled to share the life-changing results of a groundbreaking cancer trial, #AMBASSADOR in the NEJM. Led by Dr. Andrea Apolo, M.D., this study offers hope for bladder cancer patients with more cancer-free time post-surgery! bit.ly/4enJEuJ Petros Grivas Parminder singh

REVIEW Journal of Clinical Investigation Bhardwaj Lab Dr. Nina Bhardwaj Mesude Bicak Cansu Cimen Bozkus Checkpoint therapy in cancer treatment: progress, challenges, and future directions jci.org/articles/view/…

🎊 Our Latest From #BoneMets Lab & Team, now in Cancer Research Communications – Dr. Eleonora Dondossola and Dr. Matt Campbell of GU Oncology MD Anderson Cancer Center Lead⭐️S. Maksimović Stefan Maksimović👉TKI activity & efficacy (cabo, lenva, axi) in orthotopic mouse models of bone-metastatic ccRCC, studying 1⃣

There has never been a better astronaut photographer than Don Pettit - revealing Earth & the universe beyond through his lens. I look forward to each image, Don Pettit!

Congrats to MD Anderson Cancer Center #IBC program members Bora Lim, MD Angela Alexander PhD Naoto T Ueno, MD, PhD Dr. Nasrazadani for collaborations on Dr. Zhang’s BCMHouston work on tumor immunosuppression/myeloid–B cell interactions! nature.com/articles/s4155…

As he receives treatment for his own Merkel Cell Carcinoma, John Carroll wrote this great piece that manages to capture the challenges of drug development in a rare disease like MCC, the grit of a small cohort of physicians & scientists who persisted despite the heavy odds, and

The road less traveled! There are many roads here MD Anderson Cancer Center!

Appreciate the shoutout and steadfast support! Grateful to have so many wonderful colleagues at MD Anderson Cancer Center who are passionate about #rarecancers. Helping patients with these diseases is immensely gratifying and provides invaluable insights for other rare & common conditions.

My superstar friend and scientist extraordinaire killing it on the podium with all the cool science and translations of CD70 CAR NK cells! Way to go sunil acharya MD Anderson Cancer Center Katy Rezvani, M.D., Ph.D

This is a direct example of how focused bench-to-bedside research to identify the biological hallmarks of #rarecancers such as #RenalMedullaryCarcinoma can turn the impossible into reality. Kidney Cancer Chris Johnson Foundation Inc. R.M.C. Inc Dr. Kimryn Rathmell KidneyCAN KCCure Rare Cancer Research Foundation + Pattern.org