Paul Brooks (@paul_brooks) 's Twitter Profile
Paul Brooks


ID: 19500433

calendar_today25-01-2009 19:20:05

259 Tweet


226 Following

DarrenWilliamsLab (@labdarren) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come and work with us on some of the awesome machinery of nature!!! 😀👍 1 week left for applications for PDRA and RA post in the WilliamsLab👇

Serene 🌸 (@c3h7no3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very excited to share our (Matthias Landgraf, @cwbeetle, Dept of Zoology) bioRxiv investigating reactive oxygen species as novel signals for activity-dependent structural #plasticity in the #Drosophila brain! It’s my first lead-author work!…

Very excited to share our (<a href="/Landgraf10006/">Matthias Landgraf</a>, @cwbeetle, <a href="/CamZoology/">Dept of Zoology</a>) <a href="/biorxivpreprint/">bioRxiv</a> investigating reactive oxygen species as novel signals for activity-dependent structural #plasticity in the #Drosophila brain!  It’s my first lead-author work!…
Greg Jefferis (@gsxej) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How do you extract insight from a 3M edge neural network? We combine new tools and analytic strategies (+ neuroanatomical insight and elbow grease) to extract a full olfactory connectome from the amazing Janelia Fly EM #hemibrain dataset. [1/N]…

How do you extract insight from a 3M edge neural network? We combine new tools and analytic strategies (+ neuroanatomical insight and elbow grease) to extract a full olfactory connectome from the amazing <a href="/janeliaflyem/">Janelia Fly EM</a> #hemibrain dataset. [1/N]…
Paul Brooks (@paul_brooks) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The fact that 'Teir 4' is trending above 'Tier 4' is why we elected this moron, why we're leaving EU, and why Christmas is cancelled.

The fact that 'Teir 4' is trending above 'Tier 4' is why we elected this moron, why we're leaving EU, and why Christmas is cancelled.
Greg Jefferis (@gsxej) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Read the complete tweeprint describing a full olfactory connectome by starting from the end! Preprint now updated with links to all SI data and code…. Thanks again to Janelia Fly EM Stephen Plaza for the transformative #hemibrain #connectomics dataset!

Greg Jefferis (@gsxej) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Positions available in Cambridge to work with exciting new #Drosophila CNS #connectomics datasets from Janelia Fly EM and collaborators (inc Viren Jain @herrsaalfeld). Proud of our super post-bac/masters students who have gone on to great PhD programmes across Europe. Pls RT!

Adam J Calhoun (@neuroecology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How do animals form memories of where they are and where they have been (path integration)? The Drosophila (fly) neurons that implement a vector sum for this computation [from Cheng Lyu, Gaby Maimon and Jenny Lu, Rachel Wilson……

How do animals form memories of where they are and where they have been (path integration)?

The Drosophila (fly) neurons that implement a vector sum for this computation

[from Cheng Lyu, Gaby Maimon and Jenny Lu, Rachel Wilson……
Stephen Plaza (@stephenplaza) 's Twitter Profile Photo

happy to announce v1.2 release of the #hemibrain before the new year .. now with mitochondria predictions (around 6 million!) and available through "neuPrint+" Janelia Fly EM Viren Jain

Paul Brooks (@paul_brooks) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When i see something trending, i almost always give trying to see why (just hundreds of dumb comments a la 'XYZ is trending and i'm dying - insert gen-Z meme pic'). Am i missing something?

M. Emília Santos (@emiliapsantos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hi there! Looking for a postdoc in cichlid neural crest cell development? Come join us :) #neuralcrest #cichlids

Fly Connectome (@flyconnectome) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're hiring a part-time Research Coordinator to join us Dept of Zoology, to provide administrative/technical support to the group in several areas. Advert is open until the 14th March. Please RT

Marta Costa (@martamcosta2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have another opening in our #Drosophila #connectomics group! This time for a part-time Research Coordinator. Closes on the 14th March #sciencejobs