Ozark➕ (⚓️,✈️) (@ozarktrent) 's Twitter Profile
Ozark➕ (⚓️,✈️)


Author of Voyages, a photographic journal of life in the sky. Punk & Meeb for life. I drive a gently used 2001 Honda Civic

ID: 1359447500575358982

linkhttps://www.myvoyages.xyz calendar_today10-02-2021 10:22:39

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1,1K Following

Ozark➕ (⚓️,✈️) (@ozarktrent) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Friend of Voyages Drobot took this photo of my work on display at the OÖ Kultur show in the Francisco Carolinum museum! Curated by Tschuuuly ❤️✈️ Through this show more people get to experience and react to what Voyages stands for, and I’m deeply grateful for that. I

Friend of Voyages <a href="/DroBot5004/">Drobot</a> took this photo of my work on display at the <a href="/ooeculture/">OÖ Kultur</a> show in the Francisco Carolinum museum!

Curated by <a href="/Tschuuuuly/">Tschuuuly</a> ❤️✈️

Through this show more people get to experience and react to what Voyages stands for, and I’m deeply grateful for that.