Transplant nephrologist @CHUdeLyon @HCL_Research and Team leader of @CIRI_Bcell_Lab @CIRI_Lyon. President elect @ESOTtransplant
ID: 1446031903031808001
07-10-2021 08:37:42
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new work from the #ttvguide consortium Kathrin Eller bioMérieux bourgeois philippe Joris Rotmans Ondrej Viklicky Maria Haller Miriam Banas ECRIN Sophie Caillard Bert Niesters Olivier_Thaunat ESOTtransplant ESCV Virology

Join us in London, where we will not only fine-tune our knowledge on the latest medical breakthroughs but also forge a path towards a greener and more sustainable future for organ transplantation 💚 Follow #ESOTcongress for more updates! Olivier_Thaunat go.esot.org/congress2025_s…

A highly productive ESOTtransplant Council in the beautiful city of Bucharest. Shaping ESOT’s future with a fantastic executive, council and office team. Devi Mey 🇨🇭🇮🇹🇰🇭 lupoten Frank Dor Olivier_Thaunat Umberto Cillo Annemarie Weißenbacher Dilan Dabare Chiara Parisotto

Prof Gabriel Oniscu ESOTtransplant Devi Mey 🇨🇭🇮🇹🇰🇭 lupoten Olivier_Thaunat Umberto Cillo Annemarie Weißenbacher Dilan Dabare Chiara Parisotto Wonderful to be in the president’s country of birth to have this productive ESOT council meeting with so many wonderful&hard-working professionals with great diversity. #esotfamily #strongertogether Please check them out on: esot.org/about-us/counc… and check out ESOT’s mission

The ESOT Congress 2025 website has arrived! #ESOTcongress 💚 👉 go.esot.org/congress2025_w… Olivier_Thaunat Anya Adair Gianluca Rompianesi Maarten Naesens Sophie Limou CarolineDudreuilh #HellomynameisLucy Lionel Couzi Gregor Bond Ekaterine Berishvili - EkaRegMedLab Raj Thuraisingham Speranta Iacob Hermien Hartog Maria Kaisar

off to our TTV-Guide TX project year 3 meeting and ERA - European Renal Association congress in Stockholm 🇸🇪 #era24 #ttvguide happy to meet Kathrin Eller Ondrej Viklicky bourgeois philippe Sabina M. De Geest Olivier_Thaunat Joris Rotmans and all the other great project partners wo X account

EDQM Council of Europe Delighted to be connected to celebrate together the #EDQM60 Anniversary with you! w/ Olivier_Thaunat #PoweredByESOT

Join us WEDNESDAY (6/26) in LHAS at 8am for #GrandRounds! Dr. Olivier Thaunat (Olivier_Thaunat) from HCL - Hospices Civils de Lyon will present "Broadening the Domain of Struggle: Missing self-induced NK-mediated innate microvascular rejection". #CME credit will be available for attendees.

📢 Our Congress Co-Chairs, Olivier_Thaunat and Colin Wilson, warmly invite you to the #ESOTcongress 2025! w/ BTS SFT DTI Foundation EFI Office ERA - European Renal Association ILTS SocietàItalianaTrapiantiDiOrgano Read the official Welcome Letter here⤵️ go.esot.org/congress2025_w…

we echo Gregor Bond & add: 🤩 great #ESOTcongress Committees w/ Anya Adair Jelena Fabio Vistoli Olivier_Thaunat Gianluca Rompianesi Lindstedt´s lab Sophie Limou Speranta Iacob Hermien Hartog CarolineDudreuilh #HellomynameisLucy Lionel Couzi oriol bestard Ekaterine Berishvili - EkaRegMedLab Maarten Naesens BTS

Philippe Morlat Directeurs généraux de CHRU Conférence nationale des Doyens de médecine confcmechu Conf Doyens Pharmacie Conférence doyens d'odontologie FHF Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention Ministère du Travail Yann Bubien Cedric Arcos Se féliciter d’une baisse de salaire et d’une retraite hospitalière au rabais après des années d’exploitation m’interroge. Nous (HU) sommes majoritairement mécontents. Un interêt personnel pour faire ce genre ce tweet? audardnephro Lionel Couzi Olivier_Thaunat

A moins de n’avoir pas lu (c’est écrit petit) je ne vois vraiment pas comment cette proposition (on hésite à parler d’arnaque) va améliorer l’attractivité HU! Au contraire c’est un clou de plus dans le cercueil ⚰️Kamar Nassim Belot Alexandre audardnephro Lionel Couzi