ODU Office of Enterprise Research and Innovation
Old Dominion University’s Office of Enterprise Research and Innovation (OERI) is the university’s largest research center.
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http://oeriatodu.org 08-02-2024 19:42:48
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Dr. Nelson (Michael L. Nelson) from WS-DL Group, ODU CS gave an insightful talk on another important side of #webarchiving “Risks to Web Archives”, to the Summer REU cohort. ODU CS REU ODU College of Sciences ODU Computer Science
The Old Dominion University's Institute for Coastal Adaptation and Resilience (ICAR) was interviewed by WTKR News 3 about drought conditions between North Carolina and Virginia. For more: wtkr.com/weather/odus-i…
Excited to be at the 2024 MACC in Portsmouth! Thank you to the American Society of Naval Engineers for organizing this amazing collaboration event and to the City of Portsmouth for being gracious hosts! #VDMC #FloatingNewIdeas #MACC #maritime #ASNE
OERI, Virginia Modeling, Analysis, & Simulation Center, and the Virginia Digital Maritime Center are thrilled to welcome five talented student interns this summer! We can’t wait to see their innovative projects and the skills they’ll develop. More: vmasc.org/the-odu-office… #ODUInnovate #VMASC #VDMC
Spotted! Grassfield HS The Governor’s STEM Academy at Grassfield HS alum Noah Boucher!!
We are excited to introduce the Center for Mission Engineering (CME)! They are an interdisciplinary applied research center focused on advancement in designing, integrating & improving systems’ ability to deliver desired mission outcomes. Stay tuned for more! Center for Mission Engineering
We're proud to announce that Dr. Faryaneh Poursardar has received a $150K U.S. National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Community Planning Grant for her project, and collab with Dr. Tina Guston, on advancing health equity by integrating LLM technology into homeless telehealth services. ws-dl.blogspot.com/2024/08/2024-0…
Proud is an understatement! OERI answered President Hemphill’s call, collecting 12,893 items for the “Monarchs Give Back” food drive. Supporting NorfolkPublicSchools & the Foodbank of SEVA, we’re showing what it means to be Monarchs. Together, we’re making a difference! 🦁 Old Dominion University
Devon Nelson & Lindsay Cook were featured in Cova Biz Magazine "Tech Titans of the Future," celebrating top tech talent under 30 in Coastal VA! Devon is w/Virginia Digital Maritime Center & Lindsay has moved on to new adventures but her impact on our research centers was profound. covabizmag.com/tech-titans-of…
Dr. Sachin Shetty, CSICS Executive Director, is featured in the inaugural edition of “Accolades,” a series by Old Dominion University that celebrates the achievements of its faculty and staff. More: odu.edu/article/inaugu…
Virginia Digital Maritime Center's Dr. Jessica M. Johnson and Old Dominion University Engineering Technology's Dr. Vukica Jovanovic received a $300,000 award in partnership with GENEDGE Alliance and the U.S. Department of Energy office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains to standup Virginia Smart Manufacturing
Ready to solve real-world challenges with data? The Hampton Roads Datathon kicks off virtually on Friday, October 18! Don’t miss the chance to innovate. Full details at buff.ly/4gXSr8D! City of Norfolk, VA