NSA (@nutsocaus) 's Twitter Profile


Nutrition Society of Australia is for scientists + educators who research + apply nutrition science #NutSocAus Auckland Conference 28 Nov-1 Dec 2023 #NSAus2023

ID: 3252553022

linkhttp://www.nsa.asn.au calendar_today22-06-2015 10:23:49

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NSA (@nutsocaus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't miss out! The NSA Brisbane Group examine the efficacy of utilising technology such as mobile phone apps & SMS to provide support for mothers' & babies' health, during & after pregnancy. 19 April 12-1:00PM (AEST) ZOOM Webinar Free for NSA members ow.ly/NJTJ50R6eAT

Don't miss out! The NSA Brisbane Group examine the efficacy of utilising technology such as mobile phone apps & SMS to provide support for mothers' & babies' health, during & after pregnancy. 

19 April
12-1:00PM (AEST)
ZOOM Webinar
Free for NSA members