Nursing and Midwifery Council (@nmcnews) 's Twitter Profile
Nursing and Midwifery Council


The independent regulator of 826,418 nursing and midwifery professionals. For Fitness to Practise enquiries or referrals see our website:

ID: 61489404

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National Guardian's Office 💙 (@natguardianftsu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you an overseas-trained NHS worker? Help us shed more light on your experience of speaking up by participating in our Speak Up review. You can get involved in three ways: an anonymous survey, focus groups or interview. Find out more:…

Are you an overseas-trained NHS worker?
Help us shed more light on your experience of speaking up by participating in our Speak Up review.

You can get involved in three ways: an anonymous survey, focus groups or interview.

Find out more:…
Nursing and Midwifery Council (@nmcnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As plans to roll out Martha’s Rule continue in England, Executive Nurse Director at the NMC @safetysamfoster explains the significance of Martha’s Rule and how it relates to nursing and midwifery professionals’ practice 👇… #MarthasRule

As plans to roll out Martha’s Rule continue in England, Executive Nurse Director at the NMC @safetysamfoster explains the significance of Martha’s Rule and how it relates to nursing and midwifery professionals’ practice  👇…
