Nathan Jones (@natejones_edu) 's Twitter Profile
Nathan Jones


Commissioner, National Center for Special Education Research, IES. On leave from Boston University. Former middle school special educator.

ID: 21727282

calendar_today24-02-2009 03:59:08

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Nathan Jones (@natejones_edu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was such an honor to introduce Barbara Schneider, who is giving the 2022 Hedges Lecture at #SREE2022. A true sociologist, Barbara is starting with Jim Coleman’s recommendations for attending to the social system in designing and delivering interventions.

It was such an honor to introduce Barbara Schneider, who is giving the 2022 Hedges Lecture at #SREE2022. A true sociologist, Barbara is starting with Jim Coleman’s recommendations for attending to the social system in designing and delivering interventions.