Prof Nalini Pather 🌞
👩🏻🎓 Professor & Director Acad4MedEd @UQ | ANZAHPE Board Member | curriculum & assessment design | technology innovation | belonging | #FacDev | ♥️family
ID: 47543756
https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/professor-nalini-pather 16-06-2009 04:37:46
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Good blog from Andrew Norton So much concern about: - our reputation with international students so soon after the Covid border closures - the speed of introduction & resulting uncertainty in a sector & workforce that’s still recovering - is this more about curbing migration

Thanks Sally Kift Initiating the NSW Higher Education Summit with friend & colleague Prof Patsie Polly with support of Merlin Crossley is a highlight of the last 2 yrs! We aimed to provide a space for high level discussion on #HigherEd Awesome it grows from strength to strength

Good visit to Clinical School at New Orleans… deep work to finalise planning & look forward to first Year 3 students in new UQMD across our 3 clinical schools in 2025. Amazing colleagues to work with! Alison Ledger Mike Tweed in pics & loads of others UQ Medicine

I’m sitting in the Academic Medicine session on doing good medical education science, and I love this notion… Poorly designed and conducted #MedEd research is, by definition, unethical. And this goes for the poorly designed #survey tool used in said research. 🧐 BTW, thanks for

Fab Learn Serve Lead #AAMC24 conference Learnt & shared so much… but absolute highlight is the music start each day This morning Drs Chris & Sam from University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine So apt after a early morning meeting discussing human flourishing among other things