Mrs. Clemente (@mrseclemente) 's Twitter Profile
Mrs. Clemente


Ed Tech TOSA at Alisal Union School District

ID: 1636081327043911680

calendar_today15-03-2023 19:06:10

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Mrs. Clemente (@mrseclemente) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m halfway through the Quizizz AI certification and it's incredible! You can create quizzes from literally anything: YouTube videos, PDFs, websites, and more! Quizizz #youcanwithQuizizz Arathy Kushalappa

I’m halfway through the Quizizz AI certification and it's incredible! You can create quizzes from literally anything: YouTube videos, PDFs, websites, and more!
<a href="/quizizz/">Quizizz</a> #youcanwithQuizizz <a href="/emptythoughtbbl/">Arathy Kushalappa</a>