Mrs. Ahuja (@mrsahuja) 's Twitter Profile
Mrs. Ahuja


ID: 794120258

calendar_today31-08-2012 15:42:14

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70 Following

Mrs. Ahuja (@mrsahuja) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HISD Curriculum PD Team HISD K-12 Math and Science is hosting STE(A)M summit on March 2 from 8-1pm Lamar High School. Join us for free professional development, door prizes, food, hands on labs and activities. Don't miss out this huge opportunity!! "Creativity is the secret sauce." Come Explore!

<a href="/HISD_CPD/">HISD Curriculum PD</a> <a href="/TeamHISD/">Team HISD</a> 
K-12 Math and Science is hosting STE(A)M summit on March 2 from 8-1pm <a href="/LamarHS/">Lamar High School</a>. Join us for free professional development, door prizes, food, hands on labs and activities. Don't miss out this huge opportunity!!
"Creativity is the secret sauce." Come Explore!