MPN Ad&Ed Int'l
MPN Advocacy & Education International provides resources to MPN patients, caregivers, physicians and health care teams.
Founded by Brazeau & Associates, LLC
ID: 3438478996 24-08-2015 20:30:47
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Don't forget to join us this Friday, October 28th from 10:00am-11:00am EST for A Conversation with MPN Specialist Gaby Hobbs as she discusses the use of interferon in MPN patients. #mpnsm #webinar…
In case you missed it, we had another successful conversation with Gaby Hobbs where she discussed how interferon therapy works in MPN patients. Watch now! #webinar #mpnsm #interferon
Every year at #ASH we like to interview leaders in the MPN Community to hear from them to summarize the exciting developments in clinical trials. Ruben A. Mesa, MD always provides fantastic information for patients. More to come! #mpnsm #ASH2022
We had the chance to sit down with Angela Fleischman Kristen Pettit Laura C. Michaelis Jeanne M Palmer Dr. Gail Roboz, Dr. Linda Resar, and Dr. Saghi Ghaffari to discuss the ongoings in their respective labs #ASH22 #MPNSM
Space is still available at our upcoming in-person San Diego, CA program for MPN patients and caregivers on Thursday, May 25, 2023. Hear from Dr. Catriona Jamieson, Dr. James Mangan, Raajit Rampal, M.D.Ph.D., and Justin Grinnell #mpnsm Learn more and register here:…
By sharing their stories, patients show the importance of coming together and helping others living with #PolycythemiaVera feel empowered to advocate for themselves. We’re proud to partner with PharmaEssentia on this important initiative! #MPNAwarenessDay…