MPLS Bike Love (@mplsbikelove) 's Twitter Profile
MPLS Bike Love


Heart of the Twin Cities cycling community.

ID: 194170887

link calendar_today23-09-2010 16:07:22

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"Normal-weight car commuters had a 21 percent higher risk for early death compared to their active commuting counterparts."

MPLS Bike Love (@mplsbikelove) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Again, not defending violent behavior, but it is illegal to park in bike lanes. So it seems we have an ongoing case of two wrongs and no rights.

MPLS Bike Love (@mplsbikelove) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We don't advocate putting yourself in a dangerous situation. We'd also be stoked if the police took our protection seriously.

MPLS Bike Love (@mplsbikelove) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The e-bike debate will quickly be coming to a head. It's not black-and-white. While some will abuse them, they will improve life for others.

MPLS Bike Love (@mplsbikelove) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"[O]ver half of international traffic deaths involve vulnerable road users such as cyclists. And because Americans are among the least avid cyclists in the world, they’re among the most likely to get killed by a car."

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"Current bike helmet testing procedures are fairly rudimentary ... and do not take into account vehicle to bike accidents.”

MPLS Bike Love (@mplsbikelove) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"[P]rotected bike lanes make cities safer for all residents—not just cyclists and not just with regard to traffic accidents. ... They have profound, sophisticated effects on a city’s safety and social fabric."…

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"Ultimately, switching from gasoline-powered cars to electric ones is like ditching your smoking habit for a vape pen."

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"For all the [fearful] warnings that we’ve subjected our kids to over the years, the number-one threat to their lives is cars."

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Short answer: no. Long answer: The question presents a false equivalency to shift attention away from the real danger.…

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Sad to hear that a fellow rider was struck and killed by a Blue Line train this morning. Please ride with due caution and care, friends.