Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
News about our multi-disciplinary research on why and how people create art and how they perform, experience, and evaluate it. #EmpiricalAesthetics
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http://ae.mpg.de/impressum 29-03-2017 10:43:39
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Our next #Mindvoyage lecture is coming up! Tune in to hear Cory Clark (Cory Clark) talk about “#Taboos and #SelfCensorship among #Psychology Professors” next Thursday, May 23, 4 p.m. CET. The online talk is free, registration is required: ae.mpg.de/mindvoyage ARC-COGITATE

Exhibition Contact Zones is open! Last night, the works by artists Pamela Breda, Victoria Keddie, and Sajan Mani (sajan mani) were unveiled at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main. ae.mpg.de/newsroom/news/…

"Flow: people who are easily absorbed in an activity may have better mental and cardiovascular health." A very nice read, written by Miriam Mosing, about the science behind the relation between flow and (mental) health theconversation.com/flow-people-wh… via The Conversation

Childhood #music lessons are associated with enhanced cognitive function and #IQ, but what is causing what? Intriguing results from Franziska Degé Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics suggest that a causal relationship from music to IQ exists — via congitive skills such as inhibition. #Neuromusic8

Tracing #emotions: Together w/ an interdisciplinary #research team, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics's Julia F. Christensen & Gemma Roig studied #dance #movements to assess emotional expressivity using the newly developed software #EMOKINE. Out now in Behavior Research Methods: doi.org/10.3758/s13428…

Purist, Enthusiast, or Undecided? #Researchers from Universität zu Köln, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, zeppelin universität, & University of York have identified 3 different types of #classicalconcert stream viewers. Read more about how these findings could shape the future of #digitalconcert viewing: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

Great news! 🤩 “Pshal, P'shaw” is a #multimedia exploration developed by Victoria Keddie during her #INHABIT #residency at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in 2023. Using specially designed learning software, she explores the #auditory and #rhythmic nuances of #phoneticexpression.

💐 Congratulations to our senior researcher Julia F. Christensen on her latest #bookrelease! 👏📖 In “The Pathway to #Flow” she describes how to unleash #creativity 🖌️and improve #wellbeing, regardless of your artistic abilities: penguin.co.uk/books/456785/t… Square Peg Books

🚨 Preprint alert! 🚨 Our latest study investigating behavioral entrainment to rhythmic auditory stimulation and to tACS is now available as a preprint. Check it out: biorxiv.org/content/10.110… This exciting work was done in collaboration with Molly Henry at Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

What influence does #culture have on #aesthetic judgements? In a new #paper, a large international #research team, led by Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, investigates ways of measuring #enculturation through engagement with #arts. Out now in Journal of Culture and #Cognition ➡️ doi.org/10.1163/156853…

📢 We’re hiring: #Research #SoftwareEngineer for the Department of #CognitiveNeuropsychology, headed by Prof. Dr. Fredrik Ullén, at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. Find out more 👉 e-recruiting.pro/jobposting/ad2…

📢 New paper alert! Congratulations to Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics's Miriam Mosing & Fredrik Ullén, and all authors involved! 👏