Annick Yerem (@missyerem) 's Twitter Profile
Annick Yerem


Mother, poet. EIC @SidhePress. Trans rights =human rights. Free Palestine. Permanent Ceasefire Now.

ID: 222575963

link calendar_today03-12-2010 20:34:15

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RAWAN🍉🇵🇸 (@rawanabudaya) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 I am sad because I am being ignored? While you are sitting feeling warm and happy remember we are dying from cold and hunger in Gaza where is humanity? Please don't ignore me and share or donate or quote all this makes me happy💔🇵🇸🍉

Iman Abu El Qomsan (@imanaeq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wie lange soll dieses Schweigen noch anhalten? Wie lange sollen Menschenrechtsverletzungen ignoriert werden, weil sie nicht ins gängige Narrativ passen?

Mai El-Sadany (@maitelsadany) 's Twitter Profile Photo

They wait hoping and praying that against all odds they will be reunited with the loved ones unjustly taken away from them by one of the 21st century's most brutal regimes. May their hearts not be broken again.

Ahmed sabe (@sabe_ahmed1985) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My baby Bana and her siblings Lana, Ali and Kenzi need your support to live safely and preserve their future. I ask you my friends to help my family and contribute to spreading our story to the free world. Donate if you can and quote and share our story with everyone [[

Torsten Menge (@torte81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vielleicht lesen hier ja Forschende an Max-Planck-Instituten mit: Prof. Cramer unterstützt die israelische Regierung (und damit den Genozid) in Ihrem Namen. Das ist moralisch und rechtlich inakzeptabel. Wenn Sie das nicht in Ordnung finden, sollten Sie offen widersprechen!

Fabian Goldmann (@goldi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Israel bombardiert syrische Flughäfen und Fabriken, rückt mit Panzern auf syrisches Gebiet vor und @derSpiegel meldet das als „Errichten einer Pufferzone“. Dann lieber gleich den Telegram-Kanal der IDF abonnieren. #Desinformation

Israel bombardiert syrische Flughäfen und Fabriken, rückt mit Panzern auf syrisches Gebiet vor und @derSpiegel meldet das als „Errichten einer Pufferzone“. Dann lieber gleich den Telegram-Kanal der IDF abonnieren. #Desinformation
Layla Al-Zubaidi (@laylaalzubaidi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CDU-Politiker Spahn schlägt bereits vor, Flugzeuge zu chartern und Heimkehrern 1000 Euro zu zahlen. Während Syrer*innen weltweit noch um ihre Verschwundenen bangen und vorort versucht wird, ohne jede Hilfe von außen Überlebende zu retten... wie pietätlos.…

Dr. Abusalama (@shahdabusalama) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Many uncles and cousins are in Nusairat Refugee Camp, going through the unimaginable. I hate this world for allowing Gaza to suffer this unprecedented dehumanisation. What will it take to break Israel's immunity and hold them accountable? #SanctionIsrael #StopArmingIsrael

Rashad Alhindi (@rashadalhindi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Assad ist kaum gestürzt, #Syrien ist nicht mal komplett vom Regime befreit, das Land ist immer noch instabil und seine Zukunft noch ungewiss, so was tut Deutschland? ⬇️

#Assad ist kaum gestürzt, #Syrien ist nicht mal komplett vom Regime befreit, das Land ist immer noch instabil und seine Zukunft noch ungewiss, so was tut Deutschland? ⬇️
Annick Yerem (@missyerem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yes to this whole thread: I have touched grass, hugged trees, done Yoga, had ginger tea and have meditated. Funny enough, none of this helped against my autoimmune diseases. #TheChronicLife

Tamer From Gaza 🇵🇸 (@tamer_alnoaizy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, my friends and I decided to bring joy and happiness to more than #300 children from the tents who lost their homes and loved ones and who are living in tragic conditions in the displacement camps in Deir al-Balah by providing them with psychological support and some

Today, my friends and I decided to bring joy and happiness to more than #300 children from the tents who lost their homes and loved ones and who are living in tragic conditions in the displacement camps in Deir al-Balah by providing them with psychological support and some
Dr. Abusalama (@shahdabusalama) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I received this email from Mohamad who's depicted in this picture below, informing me of his recent repressive arrest & the nightmare that follows. Stand with Mohamad Al-Mail tmw! This is a crackdown on all of us, and we need to fight it collectively! We will not be silenced ✊🏾

I received this email from Mohamad who's depicted in this picture below, informing me of his recent repressive arrest & the nightmare that follows.
Stand with Mohamad Al-Mail tmw! This is a crackdown on all of us, and we need to fight it collectively! We will not be silenced ✊🏾
Annick Yerem (@missyerem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Can any bookseller here tell me if you definitely need a barcode on a book to sell it? Still working on a possible print run, as Ingram Sparks turned out not to be an option. Grateful for feedback on this, so that we can make an informed decision. Thank you!