Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D.
Administrative Director, Professional Learning & Career Development @mdcps_profdev Miami-Dade County Public Schools
ID: 3379050489
16-07-2015 17:55:49
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To ALL M-DCPS educators who have an interest in learning about the National Board Certification process or interest in maintaining their certification - this conference is for you! Mdcps_ProfDev Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D.

Miami Springs Middle School, Rockway MS, and South Miami Senior High are Denver bound for the Miami LEARNS ASCD Elevate Annual Conference! #ASCD23 Miami-Dade Schools Mdcps_ProfDev Central Region

Our Miami-Dade Schools teachers are so excited about #ASCD23 Annual Conference 🍎 #ElevatingTeacherPractice ⭐️ #BuildingACommunityofLearners ASCD Mdcps_ProfDev Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Rwimberly67 Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D. M-DCPS Grants

Mr. Gonzalez, AP, and Ms. Campbell-Lindsay, Reading Coach, representing Miami-Dade Schools and Miami LEARNS at the ASCD 2023 Annual Conference in Denver, CO! Miami-Dade Schools Central Region Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D. @DannyEspinoD5 Michael A. Lewis, Ed.D. Mdcps_ProfDev #ASCD23

Give our students the world is M-DCPS mission! The Office of Professional Learning & Career Development team is excited to attend the ASCD Conference with Miami LEARNS Ts & admins to continue working on our mission! Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D. Rwimberly67

Rockway MS past and present reunite at the Miami LEARNS ASCD 2023 Annual Conference in Denver, CO! Miami-Dade Schools Mdcps_ProfDev #ASCD23

Pre- conference Miami-Dade Schools Miami LEARNS meeting #Connections Block Party Protocol #reflections #teamwork #BuildingACommunityofLearners #ASCD23 Annual Conference ASCD Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Rwimberly67 Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D. M-DCPS Grants M-DCPS North Region South Region Office Central Region

Elevate Your Passion, Purpose, and Practice! #ASCD23 @ascd #BuildingACommunityofLearners #MDCPSInspires #professionallearning Mdcps_ProfDev M-DCPS Grants Central Region M-DCPS North Region South Region Office Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Rwimberly67 Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D.

The 2023 ASCD Annual Conference is here! Day 1 ⭐️Elevate Your Passion, Purpose, and Practice! #BuildingACommunityofLearners #professionalLearning Miami-Dade Schools Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D.

Elevating professional learning and making powerful connections at the ASCD 2023 Conference with my daughter’s former 4th grade teacher Miami-Dade Schools What a great day it is for celebrating the impact a teacher makes! Mdcps_ProfDev Miami LEARNS Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D.

Summer is around the corner and Miami-Dade Schools is bringing the HEAT! –Summer Heat Professional Learning is an exciting opportunity to experience sessions developed by teachers for teachers! See video for more information.

This week, Summer Heat is here and the Mdcps_ProfDev team is providing professional learning to 6000 M-DCPS educators! We are so excited about the Teacher LEADership Academy and the National Board Academy which are taking place this week as well.

2023 Teacher LEADership Academy cohort 8 has representation from 23 schools! These teacher leaders are participating in a year long professional learning to conduct action research in their schools. Mdcps_ProfDev Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D.

Ready to get this Summer Learning Party Started! 👩🏽💻📚🌴 #summerheat Miami-Dade Schools Elem ELA Dept South Region Office

Phenomenal 1st day of Mdcps_ProfDev #SummerHeat. M-DCPS InstTech and Schoology have created a teacher centered course for Content Creation. Participants shared their Schoology creative lesson with everyone.

It was a great first day of #SummerHeat PD with topics including. grief support, conflict resolution, coping skills, post secondary support with Scoir and self care with QuaverEd! Lourdes Diaz Sally J. Alayon

A visual created by ETO! Our ability to lead, inspire, transform and empower is strengthened when come together and act as WE = ONE. Miami-Dade Schools #YourBestChoiceMDCPS

Welcome to #SpringPLST2024 🎉🧩 #LearningTeams #LookingForward #professionallearning #YourBestChoiceMDCPS Dr. Dawn M. Baglos Jose L. Dotres, Ed.D. Rouben Yaghdjian Milagros Gonzalez, Ed.D. South Region Office M-DCPS North Region Central Region Albizu University