Margaret Fullerton (@mfullertonyyc) 's Twitter Profile
Margaret Fullerton


Retired RN, proud to have served with amazing colleagues, leading and caring @ outstanding children’s hospital.

ID: 1115349285258678273

calendar_today08-04-2019 20:22:46

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Margaret Fullerton (@mfullertonyyc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Farewell 2022 - 100th Anniversary of #albertachildrenshospital. Grateful for dedicated healthcare professionals caring for children & youth in the past century, especially now over the holidays and particularly in this past year. Peace, joy, hope in 2023!

Farewell 2022 - 100th Anniversary of #albertachildrenshospital. Grateful for dedicated healthcare professionals caring for children & youth in the past century, especially now over the holidays and particularly in this past year.  Peace, joy, hope in 2023!